- Some fruits can be a great source of energy through calories. Others also can be a great low-calorie food. Fruits such as avocados, bananas and dates are perfect for those who need energy. Cranberries and lemons are good for those looking for a low-calorie snack.
- Almost all fruits are fat-free foods. Fruits that do feature fats, such as avocados and olives, have healthy unsaturated fats that are needed for a healthy diet. Avocados have 4 grams of fat per ounce.
- Fruits can be a good source of fiber for a healthy diet. Dates, blueberries, kiwi and guava can all offer high amounts of fiber per serving.
- Fruits feature large amounts of natural sugar. Dates, grapes, bananas and mangos have some of the highest amounts of sugar of all fruit types.
- Fruits can be a good source of vitamin A. Apricots, cherries, kumquats, mangos and passion fruit all contain a large amount of vitamin A. Of those, apricots have the highest vitamin A content.
Natural Sugars
Vitamin A