Health & Medical Anti Aging

The Future ... Your DNA Is Your Databank

How do you know how healthy you are? What age will you live to? How do you stop the encroaching signs of aging? These and many other questions are on our minds always. And if there aren't, is it only because we are choosing to ignore these facts of life or is it because it's just a guessing game.

Human diagnostic tools have been around for millennia. From the soothsayer and witchdoctor to the modern day medical expert.  Not to discount any of these methods and the ones in between, but they have always been focused on symptoms. Looking for problems in the individuals biological system. And when none are found well, it's on your way, come back next year for another check up. Or worse still, something is found  that can cause a problem or could even be life threatening. We often hear "if they had found it 6 months earlier it could have been treated and all would have been good".

Medical Science has advanced to the point where we can detect a problem and it can be treated or removed before it becomes a threat, but that depends on the person having a check up or noticing a change in the way their body operates. It could be an abnormal growth or prolonged illness or any number of things. Up until recently that was the only hope of detection, but what if we could detect biological data that shows what our chances of illness are?

Everything that happens in our body begins at a cellular level. It goes as deep as the level of our chromosones and onto genetic structure, our DNA. At this level our future is determined…how healthy we will be, what age we will live to, or how well we will age. Why is it that some of us look ten years younger than our biological age while some others look twenty years older.  While there is no doubt that lifestyle factors have a bearing on this, it is what is happening in our DNA that determines it.

DNA is the harbinger of life. It is where everything begins and ends. If we can look after our DNA then we can live longer, stay healthier and remain younger. But how do we do that? Well we have to look closely at DNA itself,  what it actually is, and how it operates.

From the day we are conceived we are a organism of rapid and prolific cell division. From the single cell zygote to the rapidly growing embryo to the time of birth that one cell has divided to somewhere between 1 trillion and 5 trillion cells. That fantastic  growth produces a human baby, kicking and screaming, breathing and hungry with one hundred billion blood cells, flowing throughout the body to feed and provide nutrition to the other nine hundred billion cells that make up our muscular system, our skeletal system, organs …… this continues on and on as we age excepting that the duplication process gradually slows down

Every time these cells duplicate our DNA (the you) replicates, perfectly copying the previous. Sounds great doesn't it, so good in fact that you might ask the question …. If it duplicates perfectly, then why, as we get older, do we visibly age and become more frail and sick. Equally, you ask again why do we die?

The problem with cell division is that each time a cell divides the DNA loses some of its perfection, its lustre. However in creation's or evolution's wisdom (whichever your philosophical bent) DNA has a guard against this damage. At the end of each DNA strand exists the protector of the kingdom. This protector is called the Telomere. Each time a cell divides a little piece of that Telomere breaks off. At conception a Telomere is 15,000 neucleotides in length. At birth it has shortened to 10,000 neucleotides in length. And once it reaches 5,000 neucleotides we begin to die. Sad isn't it. Well yes but not as sad as being without them. If we didn't have Telomeres, our DNA would be directly damaged and we would be old before we were born. End of the human race.

So what does this have to do with DNA is your databank? Good question. We are now able to have our Telomeres tested to see what length they are at, and how strong they are. The shorter and weaker they are gives us an indication as to our life expectancy and future health. But why would they be shorter or weaker than somebody elses?

That could have something to do with lifestyle or it could even be genetic, we don't know yet, but what we do know is that the reason the telomeres get shorter is because of another step in the process. For Telomeres to survive they need to be activated or enhanced and this is performed by an enzyme called Telomorase. If we can produce more Telomorase which in turn strengthens and lengthens our Telomeres, then theoretically we can live well beyond 100 and we can stay young and healthy in the process.

Your telomeres can now be tested and you can find out what your true biological age is, however it is  expensive and is only done in a couple of places in the US. But knowing what you now know, if you could get your hands on something that stimulates and activates Telomorase wouldn't it be worth the benefits …Longevity, combined with excellent health and youthful vigour.

At present there are two well known Telomorase activators on the market;

TA Sciences out of Lexington Ave NewYork promotes its product TA65 and claims this is a proven activator of Telemorase. TA65 is quite expensive at this time costing anywhere between $200 and $880 per month depending on your age and dosage required.

Isagenix International out of Chandler Arizona promotes it's anti aging flagship as telomere support. Product B can be purchase directly through a distributor and is priced from $85 to $170 monthly depending on dosage.

The future of anti aging is here now and your DNA is the databank. Just like any databank it relies on what it is fed or how it is programmed. It's up to you.

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