Health & Medical Lose Weight

Make Weight Loss Effortless With the Law of Attraction

Dieting is a struggle.
If you've ever been on a diet then you know that much.
But what would it be like to use the power of your mind to shift your vibration about your body? To use the Law of Attraction to bring about your ideal body? Well it really depends on where you are in relation to where you want to be.
Just like building up a new muscle or learning new dance steps, with practice you will get better and it will get easier.
Basically your ability to "manifest" a thinner body will depend on how much control you have over your thoughts and feelings.
The Law of Attraction responds to your dominant thoughts and feelings.
Whatever you focus on is your dominant thought.
And you will notice that your life circumstance continues to bring more of whatever you are focusing on most of the time.
Do you feel fat? Do you feel like the foods you eat will make you fat? Do you have a medical condition that you believe makes you gain weight? Whatever you are thinking, feeling, believing and expecting is what you will get.
If you have been thinking along these lines then you can understand how you manifested your circumstances.
To create something new, you must change your focus.
You have already created your current reality with your thoughts so let's say you take that same power and apply it to focusing on what you DO WANT? How it feels to be your ideal weight.
How it feels when you look in the mirror, when others compliment you, when you try on new clothes.
Whatever you are feeling on the inside is what is manifesting on the outside.
Here are 3 easy ways to begin to change your dominant vibration.
1) Deliberately Direct Your Thoughts on the Subject.
If you want to see a body that you love when you look in the mirror then you must learn to love the body that you have now.
Find some aspect of your body as it is now that you like.
Focus on this part of you as much as possible.
Look for more things to appreciate about you.
For the parts of you that you don't like you can appreciate their cooperation in changing their condition and you can put your focus on the things you DO LIKE.
You must make peace with where you are now before you will move.
As you find things to appreciate about your body now you are changing your dominant focus and soon you router reality will reflect your new dominant thought about you.
2) Turn up the heat on your emotions How often do you have a negative feeling about your body? And there is strong emotion there.
The emotion behind our thoughts is the flame.
So take your emotion out of what is.
It is what it is.
Accept it and redirect your emotion to feeling that perfect body now.
Bring yourself to the actual feeling of loving your body.
Bring yourself to the place of feeling like you already fit into that perfect outfit and it feels SO GOOD! The better you feel about your body now the sooner you will see your ideal body reflected back at you in the mirror.
So be happy with some parts of your body as it is now and be over the moon in love with the ideal body you are creating.
3) Change Your Beliefs or Perspective Do you believe that you have to go through months of hard work and sacrifice to enjoy your ideal body? What if simply changing this perspective would open up a different experience in your reality? Try this exercise: Find a quiet place to be alone and close your eyes.
Bring your awareness to your body and notice how it feels.
Do your arms and legs feel heavy? Do you feel bloated, tired, uncomfortable? Begin thinking about what it would feel like to BE thin, lean and fit right now.
Imagine that your limbs are slimming down, your tummy is getting flatter, and your body is becoming lean and light.
Stay with these feelings for as long as you can, really trying to "FEEL" slender and light.
Doing this exercise on a regular basis alters the "signal" you are sending out to the universe regarding your physical reality.
If you do this consistently enough, you should notice that you feel different and your outer conditions gradually begin to shift to match your inner focus.
To lose weight easily with the Law of Attraction, you really need get your vibration in alignment first then all physical action becomes effortless.
Your current beliefs created your current body condition.
You must change your dominant focus about your body.
As you do that, you allow a whole different experience to come to you.
In many ways this is much easier than "traditional" weight loss methods because you are not trying to force your body to change, but rather allowing your well being, which is natural.
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