How do we get women to want to date us? Guys ponder this time and time again, and quite often come up with some really bad answers. It can be tough to really understand what attracts women, because they are wired just a little bit differently than you and I are. That does not mean you cannot crack the code and figure out what women want and what will make a woman want to date you. It just means that most of the ideas that you would think would work... probably won't.
Although every woman is unique in her own way, there are certain qualities that have a very universal appeal amongst women, and these are the ones that you really want to highlight and work on if you want to get more dates with women and improve your overall dating life.
Here are 3 qualities that attract women like mad:
1. A playful sense of humor.
Take note of the playful part, because if you are not playful when you are being funny, it's not going to have the same effect on her. For the most part, women love to meet a guy who knows how to be both funny and playful. This is a good indication that you will be fun for her to spend her time with, and that will make her a lot more likely to say yes to a date with you.
2. Strong sense of self confidence.
A man with a strong sense of self confidence is not a man who will allow himself to be a pushover, he's not a man who will look to be led by others, and he is not a man who is afraid to take chances from time to time. If you want to give off the impression that you are indeed a man with a strong sense of self confidence, then you need to be able to get past any hesitations that you might have and show her by making the approach and going for the close when the time is right.
3. The air of mystery.
Imagine you are on a date with a woman and in an hour or two's time, you basically have laid out every single thing about you. Do you think that she is going to feel an urge to want to spend more time with you to get to know you more? Probably not, as you have already done that for her. Why not put on an "air" of mystery and give her a reason to want to have a second and a third date with you?
Although every woman is unique in her own way, there are certain qualities that have a very universal appeal amongst women, and these are the ones that you really want to highlight and work on if you want to get more dates with women and improve your overall dating life.
Here are 3 qualities that attract women like mad:
1. A playful sense of humor.
Take note of the playful part, because if you are not playful when you are being funny, it's not going to have the same effect on her. For the most part, women love to meet a guy who knows how to be both funny and playful. This is a good indication that you will be fun for her to spend her time with, and that will make her a lot more likely to say yes to a date with you.
2. Strong sense of self confidence.
A man with a strong sense of self confidence is not a man who will allow himself to be a pushover, he's not a man who will look to be led by others, and he is not a man who is afraid to take chances from time to time. If you want to give off the impression that you are indeed a man with a strong sense of self confidence, then you need to be able to get past any hesitations that you might have and show her by making the approach and going for the close when the time is right.
3. The air of mystery.
Imagine you are on a date with a woman and in an hour or two's time, you basically have laid out every single thing about you. Do you think that she is going to feel an urge to want to spend more time with you to get to know you more? Probably not, as you have already done that for her. Why not put on an "air" of mystery and give her a reason to want to have a second and a third date with you?