Though this situation is thought to be for Asians particularly, in other words Asian flushing syndrome is also known as Oriental flushing syndrome. This is name after Asian due to the fact that it is found in half of the Asian. But, it is not confined to Asians only, rather among few of Caucasians, and among Native Americans as well. At various places, numerous researches were carried out on participants from different-different regions and Asians were found to be more prone to such situation. Hence, it is named as Asian Flush or Asian Glow.
This is a condition which appears when a human body is unable to tolerate alcohol, or in laymen language it is said when alcohol cannot be metabolized by human body completely. It is characterized to happen because of some genetic defect or deficiency of an inactive enzyme and there is no prescribed ideal cure for it.
Symptoms of the allergy depend upon the alcohol consumed and individual, hence, varies from person to person. Some common symptoms are:-
• Red flush or glow on the face and neck area.
• Fast running heartbeat.
• Warm sensation.
• Itchiness and irritation on skin.
• High pressure on head, resulting into dizziness.
• Running nose and nausea.
Because of this oriental flushing syndrome, various other adverse reactions also come up. Some of the folks face nasal congestion, some face severe flushing on face, and to the worst, those who ignore this flushing fall prey to stomach and throat cancer as well. And at this stage of cancer very few among many get recovered and come back to normal situation. There had been death cases as well when situation reached to cancer.
In a research, it was found that such abnormal reaction is much common among people from oriental background and hence name as oriental flushing syndrome. There is one more symptom of low blood pressure, due to time taking or incomplete metabolism of alcohol.
Due to incomplete metabolism, there is an increase in the level of acetaldehyde in the blood which is a toxic by product generated after the metabolism of alcohol. Nearly 50% of Koreans, Chinese and Japanese are found to be ALDH deficient.
It has been found that effect of AKDH has been inhibited by certain drugs such as an antibiotic Metronidazole and Griseofulvin - an anti-fungal drug and hence causing oriental flushing syndrome. Moreover, because of the vasodilatation effect of alcohol in the stomach there is an increase in the absorption of food allergens in the stomach which may results in aggravation of food allergies. In scientific terms, this has been discovered that some alcohol has high concentration of histamine and hence, causes the release of histamine. Histamine is an organic nitrogen compound, responsible for pain, itching, motion sickness; sleep and appetite suppression.
This is a condition which appears when a human body is unable to tolerate alcohol, or in laymen language it is said when alcohol cannot be metabolized by human body completely. It is characterized to happen because of some genetic defect or deficiency of an inactive enzyme and there is no prescribed ideal cure for it.
Symptoms of the allergy depend upon the alcohol consumed and individual, hence, varies from person to person. Some common symptoms are:-
• Red flush or glow on the face and neck area.
• Fast running heartbeat.
• Warm sensation.
• Itchiness and irritation on skin.
• High pressure on head, resulting into dizziness.
• Running nose and nausea.
Because of this oriental flushing syndrome, various other adverse reactions also come up. Some of the folks face nasal congestion, some face severe flushing on face, and to the worst, those who ignore this flushing fall prey to stomach and throat cancer as well. And at this stage of cancer very few among many get recovered and come back to normal situation. There had been death cases as well when situation reached to cancer.
In a research, it was found that such abnormal reaction is much common among people from oriental background and hence name as oriental flushing syndrome. There is one more symptom of low blood pressure, due to time taking or incomplete metabolism of alcohol.
Due to incomplete metabolism, there is an increase in the level of acetaldehyde in the blood which is a toxic by product generated after the metabolism of alcohol. Nearly 50% of Koreans, Chinese and Japanese are found to be ALDH deficient.
It has been found that effect of AKDH has been inhibited by certain drugs such as an antibiotic Metronidazole and Griseofulvin - an anti-fungal drug and hence causing oriental flushing syndrome. Moreover, because of the vasodilatation effect of alcohol in the stomach there is an increase in the absorption of food allergens in the stomach which may results in aggravation of food allergies. In scientific terms, this has been discovered that some alcohol has high concentration of histamine and hence, causes the release of histamine. Histamine is an organic nitrogen compound, responsible for pain, itching, motion sickness; sleep and appetite suppression.