Bible review should never be boring.
There are just too many fun ways things you can do to quiz your kids on the greatest book ever! Here is a fun Bible review activity sure to be a hit with any group of elementary kids.
It's called "Pick a Prize or Pick a Person".
Here's what you do: For this game, you will need to fill a bucket or a hat with the names of all the students in your class written on small pieces of paper.
Fold the papers in half.
Now take four other papers and write the word PRIZE on them.
Fold those papers as well.
Mix all the papers up inside the bucket.
You will also need to secure four prizes of some kind.
These could be simple sticks of gum or something more elaborate.
By the way, "elaborate" doesn't have to mean expensive.
I know of one Sunday School teacher who buys 99 cent liters of soda and gives them out for prizes.
His kids think it's great and he didn't break the bank to impress them.
Now you're ready to begin the activity.
You, the teacher, begin the game by pulling a name out of the hat.
(If you pull a paper out that says PRIZE on it, just put it back in and find a paper with a name on it.
) Have the child come up in front of the class and ask him/her a Bible review question you already have prepared.
If the child answers correctly, he then gets to pick a paper out of the bucket.
If he picks a person's name, that child must now come forward to answer the review question.
If the child picks a PRIZE paper, he receives a prize and you, the teacher, will make the next pick.
As a suggestion, you might want to write each of the children's names more than once, so that they have more than one chance to answer a question or to get a prize.
You can also put as many PRIZE papers in as you'd like.
Whatever you decide, just have fun!
There are just too many fun ways things you can do to quiz your kids on the greatest book ever! Here is a fun Bible review activity sure to be a hit with any group of elementary kids.
It's called "Pick a Prize or Pick a Person".
Here's what you do: For this game, you will need to fill a bucket or a hat with the names of all the students in your class written on small pieces of paper.
Fold the papers in half.
Now take four other papers and write the word PRIZE on them.
Fold those papers as well.
Mix all the papers up inside the bucket.
You will also need to secure four prizes of some kind.
These could be simple sticks of gum or something more elaborate.
By the way, "elaborate" doesn't have to mean expensive.
I know of one Sunday School teacher who buys 99 cent liters of soda and gives them out for prizes.
His kids think it's great and he didn't break the bank to impress them.
Now you're ready to begin the activity.
You, the teacher, begin the game by pulling a name out of the hat.
(If you pull a paper out that says PRIZE on it, just put it back in and find a paper with a name on it.
) Have the child come up in front of the class and ask him/her a Bible review question you already have prepared.
If the child answers correctly, he then gets to pick a paper out of the bucket.
If he picks a person's name, that child must now come forward to answer the review question.
If the child picks a PRIZE paper, he receives a prize and you, the teacher, will make the next pick.
As a suggestion, you might want to write each of the children's names more than once, so that they have more than one chance to answer a question or to get a prize.
You can also put as many PRIZE papers in as you'd like.
Whatever you decide, just have fun!