Health & Medical Lose Weight

An Easy Way to Lose Weight

I learned a sure fire way to lose weight by food combining.
It works well and you can lose weight easily without having to sacrifice the foods you like to eat, try this method and watch the pounds just fall of your body.
Food combining works amazingly, try this method and see if it works for you, here is how it works.
Start your morning with drinking a cup of your favorite tea, Ginseng tea is my tea of choice, but any herbal tea will work, sweeten with honey.
For breakfast stick to only fruit, no bagels, toast, eggs, proteins like meats, keep to a simple fruit for breakfast, eat as much as you want.
(do not combine melons with other fruits, watermelon should always be eaten alone) For lunch and dinner you must make a choice, you either eat proteins for lunch or you eat proteins for dinner, it really does not matter which choice you decide, the point is not to eat proteins with Carbohydrates, you must eat them at different times.
So if you choose to eat proteins for lunch, for example, eat all the protein you want including vegetables, salad greens, carrots, but no carbs.
This is the key to the weight lose program.
For dinner, if you choose carbs for dinner than eat all the carbs you want, no proteins.
You can eat salad greens and veggies with you carbs just no proteins.
This is the key.
You can pick up some cleansing herbs and your local health food store, these are colon cleansing herbs that will clean out the colon and speed up your weight loss.
For an evening snack you can eat celery and or drink tea, ginseng or herbal.
Drink 8 glasses of water per day and watch the pounds melt away, try it for yourself.
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