Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

One Step to Success With Women

There is only one step to take to success with women.
This might seem like a bold claim.
It might seem overly simplistic.
If you look at the success alpha males around you have with women and try to figure out how they do it - it might seem totally ridiculous.
Because obviously, there is a whole series of steps...
aren't there? First you have to approach her - and struggle with the anxiety coursing through your veins.
Then you have to talk to her - and fight the awkward silences, skirt the dangers of creeping her our, protect the dim fire of attraction from going out.
You have to deal with her tests, prove that you can stand your ground, that you've been through it all and that now you can stand among the alpha males.
And if you should stumble at one of these steps, if you mess up the approach, choke on your gum, or accidentally tell her she reminds you of your sister - well, chalk it up to the learning process.
Better luck next time, when hopefully your steps will be more solid.
One day you'll get them all right.
One day you'll be able to play the game perfectly.
One day you'll be happy - there's plenty of chances out there, right? Why don't we flip the script a bit here.
Let's turn this ladder into a slippery-dip.
Instead of trying to overcome your fears, what if you could barely contain your excitement? Rather than trying to make conversation, what if you were exploring her, seeing if she was interesting, seeing if she can handle you? Instead of bracing for the oncoming tests, what if you were seeing if she could amuse you enough to spark your interest? What if, when you'd had your fun, you turned to go, feeling blessed to be alive and totally inspired by her beauty? Imagine waking up every day feeling excited.
You leap out of bed because there's another day full of passions ahead of you.
You've only had 5 hours sleep but you power through your morning like you've only got 5 hours left.
You burst out into the world with a smile on your face, the kiss of the wind lifting your heart.
As you jog to your car, you see a woman as radiant as could be.
Although you can't wait to be where you're headed, you always make time for the beauty of the world.
You go up and say hi, almost laughing at how incredibly gorgeous she is.
You can't even remember what you say to her, enjoying the dance and connection between the two of you.
She can feel the excitement in your voice and the passion in how you live.
She feels like she's part of an adventure just hearing about your day, and she wants to be a part of it.
You're not sure yet about whether she's the kind of person you want to invite into your life, but as you turn to go she grabs your arm.
She asks you for your number...
because she doesn't want to miss out.
Slippery-dips are way more exciting than ladders.
Even kids know that.
What a way to live life.
How much easier, how much more fun? How much more expressive do you think you would be, not just with women, but in every single moment of every day? There is only one step to take.
There isn't a schedule, there isn't a hit list, there is no book of instructions.
The alpha males won't step it for you.
There is only one step, and you can choose to take it every moment.
You have to be responsible for your own happiness.
You have to stop giving her control.
You have to take responsibility for your life and your future, and the actions you take in every moment.
If you do that, meeting women isn't going to be a skillset.
It's going to be the way you move, the way you breathe.
It's going to be the way you work, the way you play.
It's going to be the way you buy your groceries and the way you walk down the street.
It's going to be a way of life.
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