Health & Medical Healthy Living

Side Effects of Ketamine Use in Children


    • Ketamine can be used as the sole anesthetic for surgical procedures that do not require skeletal muscle relaxation--it is best for short procedures, but can be used for longer surgeries if another injection is given. Ketamine is also used to induce anesthesia before a general anesthetic is administered.

    Emergence Phenomenon

    • Symptoms of emergence phenomenon, a condition that can occur with the use of ketamine and most often occurs in children over 10 years of age, range from a pleasant dream-like state to hallucinations and delirium. Symptoms usually occur right after surgery, but there have been reports of emergence phenomenon occurring up to 24 hours after surgery.

    Drug Abuse

    • Ketamine is a drug that has a potential for abuse, so it should be used with caution, especially in children and teenagers. Side effects of abuse or overdose may include flashbacks, hallucinations, dysphoria, anxiety, insomnia and disorientation.

    Additional Side Effects

    • Other side effects associated with the use of ketamine in children include elevated blood pressure and pulse rate, arrhythmia, nausea and vomiting. At high doses, ketamine can cause severe depression of the respiratory system, and airway obstructions (such as laryngospasms) have occured with the use of this drug.


    • Ketamine is considered safe only when used in a surgical environment, or under the direct supervision of a physician. Ketamine, when used in children, within 3 to 4 minutes of injection will produce anesthesia that will last between 12 and 25 minutes.

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