Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Methods of Killing an Animal For Meat - Jhataka and Halal

The differences between the Hindu/Sikh religion and Islam are manifold.
Apart from the religious beliefs the methods of slaughtering animals for meat is also diametrically opposite to each other.
The Sikhs and Hindus will partake of meat by a method known as Jhatka.
This is a word derived from the Sanskrit word 'ghataka'.
In effect it means that the animal whose meat has to be partaken off is killed with one blow of the sword or axe, so as to sever the head from the body.
The blow is so timed that the head gets severed in a single stroke.
This is diametrically opposed to the Jewish and Moslem customs where the animal to be slaughtered is ritually killed by slicing the throat with a sword or knife.
In such cases the animal slowly bleeds to death.
This system is referred to as halal or dhabihah.
Jews refer to it as Schechita.
The system of killing an animal by Jhatka is the antithesis of ritual slaughter.
Both forms of killing are sanctified by religion.
But generally the Jhataka method of killing an animal may appear more humane, as the spinal cord is severed in one blow and the animal dies instantaneously as blood flow is stopped to the brain.
For the Sikhs and Hindus eating meat is not taboo, but it is enjoined that the meat they eat should only be by Jhatka.
In fact during Baisakhi when the 10th Guru formed the Khalsa, he sacrificed 5 goats with one blow of his sword each time a volunteer came on the dais to sacrifice himself.
It also should not be forgotten that the Muslim Union government of the Punjab in 1942 initialed an agreement with the Sikh leadership that permitted them continue to carry out Jhatka.
This was recognized as a part of Sikh culture and heritage.
The Hindus also had from earliest times adopted the Jhatka.
Thus during Hindu festivals like Durga Puja and Kali puja the meat is eaten only after it is confirmed that its is Jhatka meat.
However Islam enjoins all its followers to shun Jhatka meat and all Muslims are enjoined to only eat meat that is halal.
However unclean animals like pigs are forbidden as the Hindus and Sikhs are forbidden to eat beef and cows flesh.
It is worth studying as to how these rituals came into being.
But they are a part and parcel of the religions and diehards will not deviate from these set beliefs.
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