Springtime in Indianapolis is a really beautiful time and it's been a very cold year. But, cold weather or not, your kids are going to want to participate in an Easter egg hunt or two. Many local churches, shopping malls and non-profit organizations host Easter egg hunts. If you aren't sure where to take the kids, this list may come in handy.
The City of Greenwood is sponsoring their Easter egg hunt at Craig Park. The fun event is free and for children ages 2 to 10. The Easter Bunny will be present and there will be gift giveaways. No registration is required. Rain date is April 19.
Greenwood Easter Egg Hunt
Where: Craig Park, Greenwood
When: Saturday, April 12; 10:00 a.m.More »
Children ages 1 to 10 years are invited to participate in the Forest Park Annual Easter egg hunt. Find eggs loaded with surprises and enjoy a DJ and bounce house. Breakfast will be available for $5 per person at the Forest Park Inn. Proceeds from the meal, sponsored by the Noblesville Sunrisers Kiwanis, will benefit a children's charity.
Forest Park Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Where: Forest Park, Noblesville
When: Saturday, April 12; 11:00 a.m.More »
Carmel Clay Parks and Recreation is sponsoring its annual Spring Fever event. Bring your kite, Easter basket, and binoculars out to West Park for an afternoon of fun. Activities will include kite flying, Easter egg hunt, a spring craft, bird watching. Cost to attend the event is $5 - $8. Preregister online to avoid the long lines and save $3.
Carmel Clay Parks and Recreation Easter Egg Hunt
Where: West Park, Carmel
When: Saturday, April 19; 11:00 a.m.More »
This free Easter egg hunt includes fun activities such as guessing games, coloring contests and a bounce house. Bags will be provided for the children, with a 10 egg limit.
Carpenter Realtors Easter Egg Hunt
Where: 2270 Greenfield Avenue, Noblesville
When: Saturday, April 12; 11:30 a.m.More »
Enjoy a visit from the Easter Bunny as well as an Easter egg hunt that includes candy and prizes. Rain date is April 19.
Beech Grove Parks Department Easter Egg Hunt
Where: Sarah T. Bolton Park, Beech Grove
When: Saturday, April 12; 1 p.m. More »
Tuxedo Park Baptist Church will host an Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Bunny will make an appearance. The egg hunt is free if you bring your own basket and a food item to donate. Children in grades Pre-K through fifth grade can participate.
Tuxedo Park Baptist Church Easter Egg Hunt
Where: Tuxedo Park Baptist Church, 29 North Grant Street, Indianapolis
When: Saturday, April 12; 2 p.m.More »
Imagine Church is hosting its Second Annual Easter Egg Drop. A helicopter will drop 15,000 Easter eggs into three age-specific fields, at staggered times. After the eggs are dropped, children will be allowed to collect them. Then, turn those eggs into candy at the area Candy Stations! This fun event is free but you must register your children. Registration opens online on April 7, 2014. The event is for children ages 1 to 10. The event will also feature free inflatable bounce houses and obstacle courses, face-painting and musical entertainment from Mik the Music Man. Donuts, hot cocoa and breakfast sandwiches available for purchase that morning.
Imagine Church Easter Egg Drop
Where: Oak Trace Elementary School, 16504 Oakridge Road, Westfield
When: Saturday, April 19; 10 a.m. More »
What's more iconic of Indianapolis than the Motor Speedway? Enjoy a day at the track with your kids with their special Easter egg hunt. The event will be outside located inside Turn 3 and visitors should enter through Gate 10 off 30th Street. The Easter Egg Hunt is free, but you must pre-register on their website.
Indianapolis Motor Speedway Kids Club Easter Event
Where: Indianapolis Motor Speedway, turn 3
When: Saturday, April 19; 10:00 a.m. - Registration; 11 a.m. - Egg HuntMore »
Have pictures taken with the Easter Bunny for free and enjoy hunting for eggs filled with toys and candy. Children from infants to age 12 are encouraged to participate. The Easter egg hunt will take place at Arbuckle Acres Park.
Brownsburg Easter Egg Hunt
Where: Arbuckle Acres Park, Brownsburg
When: Saturday, April 19; 9:30 a.m. - Photos; 11 a.m. - Egg HuntMore »
The 19th Annual Plainfield Community Easter Egg Hunt will take place rain or shine at Hummel Park. Activities for children ages 10 and Under will begin with the arrival of the Easter Bunny at 9:45 a.m., followed by staggered egg hunts for the following age groups. There will be a bounce house for children to play in while they wait. The Easter egg hunt is for children ages 2 to 10.
Plainfield Community Easter Egg Hunt
Where: Hummel Park, 1500 South Center Street, Plainfield
When: Saturday, April 19; 10 a.m.More »
•Greenwood City Easter Egg Hunt
The City of Greenwood is sponsoring their Easter egg hunt at Craig Park. The fun event is free and for children ages 2 to 10. The Easter Bunny will be present and there will be gift giveaways. No registration is required. Rain date is April 19.
Greenwood Easter Egg Hunt
Where: Craig Park, Greenwood
When: Saturday, April 12; 10:00 a.m.More »
•Forest Park Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Children ages 1 to 10 years are invited to participate in the Forest Park Annual Easter egg hunt. Find eggs loaded with surprises and enjoy a DJ and bounce house. Breakfast will be available for $5 per person at the Forest Park Inn. Proceeds from the meal, sponsored by the Noblesville Sunrisers Kiwanis, will benefit a children's charity.
Forest Park Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Where: Forest Park, Noblesville
When: Saturday, April 12; 11:00 a.m.More »
•Carmel Clay Parks and Recreation Easter Egg Hunt
Carmel Clay Parks and Recreation is sponsoring its annual Spring Fever event. Bring your kite, Easter basket, and binoculars out to West Park for an afternoon of fun. Activities will include kite flying, Easter egg hunt, a spring craft, bird watching. Cost to attend the event is $5 - $8. Preregister online to avoid the long lines and save $3.
Carmel Clay Parks and Recreation Easter Egg Hunt
Where: West Park, Carmel
When: Saturday, April 19; 11:00 a.m.More »
•Carpenter Realtors Easter Egg Hunt
This free Easter egg hunt includes fun activities such as guessing games, coloring contests and a bounce house. Bags will be provided for the children, with a 10 egg limit.
Carpenter Realtors Easter Egg Hunt
Where: 2270 Greenfield Avenue, Noblesville
When: Saturday, April 12; 11:30 a.m.More »
•Beech Grove Parks Department Easter Egg Hunt
Enjoy a visit from the Easter Bunny as well as an Easter egg hunt that includes candy and prizes. Rain date is April 19.
Beech Grove Parks Department Easter Egg Hunt
Where: Sarah T. Bolton Park, Beech Grove
When: Saturday, April 12; 1 p.m. More »
•Tuxedo Park Baptist Church Easter Egg Hunt
Tuxedo Park Baptist Church will host an Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Bunny will make an appearance. The egg hunt is free if you bring your own basket and a food item to donate. Children in grades Pre-K through fifth grade can participate.
Tuxedo Park Baptist Church Easter Egg Hunt
Where: Tuxedo Park Baptist Church, 29 North Grant Street, Indianapolis
When: Saturday, April 12; 2 p.m.More »
•Imagine Church Easter Egg Drop
Imagine Church is hosting its Second Annual Easter Egg Drop. A helicopter will drop 15,000 Easter eggs into three age-specific fields, at staggered times. After the eggs are dropped, children will be allowed to collect them. Then, turn those eggs into candy at the area Candy Stations! This fun event is free but you must register your children. Registration opens online on April 7, 2014. The event is for children ages 1 to 10. The event will also feature free inflatable bounce houses and obstacle courses, face-painting and musical entertainment from Mik the Music Man. Donuts, hot cocoa and breakfast sandwiches available for purchase that morning.
Imagine Church Easter Egg Drop
Where: Oak Trace Elementary School, 16504 Oakridge Road, Westfield
When: Saturday, April 19; 10 a.m. More »
•Indianapolis Motor Speedway Kids Club Easter Event
What's more iconic of Indianapolis than the Motor Speedway? Enjoy a day at the track with your kids with their special Easter egg hunt. The event will be outside located inside Turn 3 and visitors should enter through Gate 10 off 30th Street. The Easter Egg Hunt is free, but you must pre-register on their website.
Indianapolis Motor Speedway Kids Club Easter Event
Where: Indianapolis Motor Speedway, turn 3
When: Saturday, April 19; 10:00 a.m. - Registration; 11 a.m. - Egg HuntMore »
•Brownsburg Easter Egg Hunt
Have pictures taken with the Easter Bunny for free and enjoy hunting for eggs filled with toys and candy. Children from infants to age 12 are encouraged to participate. The Easter egg hunt will take place at Arbuckle Acres Park.
Brownsburg Easter Egg Hunt
Where: Arbuckle Acres Park, Brownsburg
When: Saturday, April 19; 9:30 a.m. - Photos; 11 a.m. - Egg HuntMore »
•Plainfield Community Easter Egg Hunt
The 19th Annual Plainfield Community Easter Egg Hunt will take place rain or shine at Hummel Park. Activities for children ages 10 and Under will begin with the arrival of the Easter Bunny at 9:45 a.m., followed by staggered egg hunts for the following age groups. There will be a bounce house for children to play in while they wait. The Easter egg hunt is for children ages 2 to 10.
Plainfield Community Easter Egg Hunt
Where: Hummel Park, 1500 South Center Street, Plainfield
When: Saturday, April 19; 10 a.m.More »