- 1). Flip over your couch cover so that the inside of the seam is visible. Take scissors and cut off any excess string that is loosely hanging from the seam. Be careful not to cut fabric though, or any thread that hasn't come undone.
- 2). Line up fabric edges of the damaged part of fabric so that they are evenly lined. Use sewing pins to hold the edges even and in place.
- 3). Starting just a few inches before the tear, begin sewing together your fabric in a similar stitching as the original sewing was done, towards the ripped area. Remember to use thread that matches the fabric well.
- 4). Sew together the ripped area, and sew past it about 3 inches. Next, tie off your string by backstitching it about five or six times, then cut off any thread that may be left over.
- 1). Remove any frayed edges by cutting your hole into a circle or square, then flip your cover inside-out.
- 2). Measure you hole and cut a patch of fabric a few inches larger than your hole. You can use the same fabric as your cover, or a different color. If it's the same pattern, make sure it lines up correctly with the rest of the fabric when placing your patch.
- 3). Apply iron-on adhesive to the inside edges of your hole, in a line that is about a ½-inch thick.
- 4). Apply your patch to the inside part of fabric at the hole, where you have applied adhesive, and run a warm iron over it gently for about a minute or two, lifting the iron every 20 seconds to prevent burning the fabric.
- 1). Take a small amount of upholstery shampoo and mix it with water, according to the directions on the bottle.
- 2). Submerge a cloth in your solution and wring it out, so that it is damp but not soaking wet.
- 3). Dab and gently rub the area where the stain is, making sure that your cleaning solution gets worked into the fabric. Once area is sufficiently soaked with solution, let it sit for about 10 minutes.
- 4). Fill your sink with cold water and dip the stained area of your cover in it, wringing it out and repeating four or five times, so that you remove any solution from it. Hang the slipcover up to dry completely.
Repairing Seam Tears
Patching Holes
Removing a Stain