Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Guard the Good Deposit Entrusted to You!

In his letter to Timothy, Paul is asking him to guard the good deposit which has been entrusted to him.
Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you; guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.
(2 Timothy 1:14) But what is this deposit which Paul is referring to, what is its relevance, its significance, and how would it benefit Timothy to care? For one thing we find in 2 Corinthians 1:22 that God has put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.
And if we dig into the Greek language for the meaning of the word translated deposit, we find it to also be translated as pledge or guarantee.
The word "arrabon" denote an obligation, a promise to pay.
It is a legal term used when someone gives an advance or a down payment on a purchase.
In Modern Greek the word "arrabona" is used for an engagement ring, and how more appropriate could it be, the promise of things to come would be sealed with an engagement ring, a promise of marriage which is unbreakable, a pledge which is sealed by the blood of Christ with those who are willing to drink of His cup.
But, in this particular verse, I believe Paul is speaking of something more, for Timothy ought to use the Help of the Holy Spirit to guard what has been entrusted to him.
Looking at the many translations and commentaries about this subject would give anyone a headache, for there is a diversity of opinions as to the meaning and purpose of this verse.
However, in the context of the verse within the chapter we can draw that although Paul is encouraging Timothy to remain faithful to the gifts he has been entrusted with, to continue to increase the hunger for developing those gifts, Paul is focused on emphasizing the importance of maintaining the sound doctrine which has been taught to him, for Timothy ought to devote himself to teaching and preaching as Paul did, even at the risk of peril.
That marvelous secret which by the grace of God has been revealed to us the gospel of salvation through Christ, the hope of eternal life, is that valuable treasure which Timothy ought to cherish and to teach and to transfer to others.
In (1 Peter 1:10-12) we find that the old testament prophets craved to understand the meaning of what had been revealed to them which is Christ in us, and even angels looked into it to no avail, for this was a special revelation which would be entrusted only to us, The Church of Jesus Christ.
This is today an open secret which is available to anyone who desires to embrace it.
Charles Spurgeon used to say "A little faith will take your soul to heaven, but great faith will bring heaven to your soul.
" And that is the most marvelous revelation, that through faith in Christ the, glory of heaven would envelope our soul and dress us with eternity from now and to the everlasting.
And Timothy's challenge was not only to embrace and protect and stamp in his heart with the help of the Holy Spirit this marvelous revelation, but as it had been entrusted to him, he was to entrust it to others.
Paul instructs him in 1Timothy 2:2; "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others".
For this was to be a secret no more, from now on everyone needs to know the good news, that the devil is a liar and a thief and he is purposed on stealing the soul of anyone who let him and to accomplish that task he has embellished the world with false pleasures which appeal to the cravings of the flesh, and even the church has bought into it, to the point that many churches have totally deviated from the truth of the gospel for the sake of frivolous desires.
But we are the reliable men and women whom Paul instructed timothy to teach, and to entrust the truth of the gospel to, and we are called to continue with the legacy, to fan into flame the gift of God which is in us by the power of the Holy Spirit, and to drive the spear of truth right through the heart of Satan, through embracing faithfulness and loyalty to God, and through keeping His commandments, and through teaching to as many as we can this marvelous truth, and to entrust it to them for them to entrust to others.
For one day every knee shall bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and everyone will confess that Jesus Christ is lord, to the Glory of God the father (Philippians 2:10-11) and it is our responsibility, as we are led by the Lord, to reach out to the nations, and bring as many souls as God will allow us to the Knowledge of this truth, which is Christ in us.
For we have been given a seal, a deposit as a guarantee of the glorious things to come.
And on that day we want to hear his voice telling us "well done faithful servant.
May the grace of God continue to bear witness in your life! Rev.
Jose A.
Luna A servant of Christ Jesus
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