If every individual were to write a book of excuses to clearly explicate why they cannot achieve success, most people would come up with voluminous books that could even compete with the bible in size.
We all have obstacles that we have faced or are going to face which threaten our success in life.
Reasons are there that can perfectly justify why we should not take action and be consigned into oblivion.
Most, if not all of those excuses could be genuine to the exoneration of the author rendering inaction reasonable.
However, no matter how reasonable, all forms of excuses regardless of the forms in which they appear, only work as logs deliberately strewn across our paths to retard the wheels of progress.
History is heaving with successful people who defied the odds against them and found their places on the muster roll of the great ones.
Abraham Lincoln was born to two uneducated farmers, in a one-room log cabin.
His formal education consisted of about 18 months of schooling, but he was largely self-educated.
Lincoln defied the odds and became president of United States of America from 1860 until his assassination 1865.
He had a lot of genuine reasons from his book of excuses as to why he could remain wallowing in poverty.
It is my radical belief that not a single person was born embracing the seeds of mediocrity.
Every human being comes to this world loaded with seeds of success.
This has nothing to do with how and where they were born.
This is the best of reasons why a lot of successful people have stories that everyone would want to listen to.
People want to hear how they managed to exchange mediocrity for the touch of success given their inhibiting personal histories.
You have a plan for your business which you hesitate to implement because you believe that you are not yet big enough to compete in the market place.
No one has ever started as a big player in any field of endeavor.
If unborn born babies would be given a chance to look out and see other two-year olds running around and playing with their peers, they would feel inadequate because of their inability to do anything on their own.
However, given the same period outside the womb their skills and abilities will kick in.
This is the right time for you to start implementing your plans as there is never going to be a more opportune moment as now.
Will a motorist intending to drive along a major city street wait until all the traffic lights along that street are green? Anyone who bears that mentality will never set on his journey.
Start now to move towards achieving your dreams.
When one door opens get in and wait for another to open.
Never will you see all doors in front of you open before you take a single step.
They will open in stages as you move towards your goals.
At least if you're asked for the proof that you can enter through the next door you can set the previous door as your undisputed evidence.
It is a proven fact that a majority of achievers were from very humble back grounds and fought their ways to the levels in life that they so desired.
Those circumstances that you bring out as the excuse for your inaction are the exact circumstances the next person is just looking for to achieve their desired end.
To be wherever you want to be, you have to begin wherever you are.
The most obstructing impediment in people's ability to move and achieve their goals is the fear of failure.
However, the best remedy if you are gripped by fear of failure is to say nothing, do nothing and as certain as night follows day, become nothing.
Remember that success will never visit you, you take steps towards it.
Until you step from your not-so-comfortable comfort zone and move towards your goal you can never dream of being counted among achievers.
We all have obstacles that we have faced or are going to face which threaten our success in life.
Reasons are there that can perfectly justify why we should not take action and be consigned into oblivion.
Most, if not all of those excuses could be genuine to the exoneration of the author rendering inaction reasonable.
However, no matter how reasonable, all forms of excuses regardless of the forms in which they appear, only work as logs deliberately strewn across our paths to retard the wheels of progress.
History is heaving with successful people who defied the odds against them and found their places on the muster roll of the great ones.
Abraham Lincoln was born to two uneducated farmers, in a one-room log cabin.
His formal education consisted of about 18 months of schooling, but he was largely self-educated.
Lincoln defied the odds and became president of United States of America from 1860 until his assassination 1865.
He had a lot of genuine reasons from his book of excuses as to why he could remain wallowing in poverty.
It is my radical belief that not a single person was born embracing the seeds of mediocrity.
Every human being comes to this world loaded with seeds of success.
This has nothing to do with how and where they were born.
This is the best of reasons why a lot of successful people have stories that everyone would want to listen to.
People want to hear how they managed to exchange mediocrity for the touch of success given their inhibiting personal histories.
You have a plan for your business which you hesitate to implement because you believe that you are not yet big enough to compete in the market place.
No one has ever started as a big player in any field of endeavor.
If unborn born babies would be given a chance to look out and see other two-year olds running around and playing with their peers, they would feel inadequate because of their inability to do anything on their own.
However, given the same period outside the womb their skills and abilities will kick in.
This is the right time for you to start implementing your plans as there is never going to be a more opportune moment as now.
Will a motorist intending to drive along a major city street wait until all the traffic lights along that street are green? Anyone who bears that mentality will never set on his journey.
Start now to move towards achieving your dreams.
When one door opens get in and wait for another to open.
Never will you see all doors in front of you open before you take a single step.
They will open in stages as you move towards your goals.
At least if you're asked for the proof that you can enter through the next door you can set the previous door as your undisputed evidence.
It is a proven fact that a majority of achievers were from very humble back grounds and fought their ways to the levels in life that they so desired.
Those circumstances that you bring out as the excuse for your inaction are the exact circumstances the next person is just looking for to achieve their desired end.
To be wherever you want to be, you have to begin wherever you are.
The most obstructing impediment in people's ability to move and achieve their goals is the fear of failure.
However, the best remedy if you are gripped by fear of failure is to say nothing, do nothing and as certain as night follows day, become nothing.
Remember that success will never visit you, you take steps towards it.
Until you step from your not-so-comfortable comfort zone and move towards your goal you can never dream of being counted among achievers.