Home & Garden Tools Renting

Getting the Most Out of Your Heating and Air San Antonio Energy Efficiency Tips

No matter the season, you can run into issues with your heating and air. San Antonio residents may be surprised to find out that many of the problems they experience with their HVAC systems could have been avoided with proper maintenance. One of the most common difficulties homeowners experience is their A/C or furnace breaking down because it has to work too hard to perform its duty. You can reduce your risks of experiencing this by implementing the following ideas to make your home more energy efficient.

The first step you should take is to make sure your walls and attic are adequately insulated. What does insulation do? It can help keep the heat in during the winter and keep the heat out during the summer. This means it will be easier to heat or cool your home. There are many types of insulation. It is best to do your research to ensure the kind you choose is efficient and cost effective. The most important choice is the person you hire to install the insulation. Look for a service that used an infrared camera to check for missed areas.

Many homes can benefit from upgrading or replacing its windows. Older models often let in drafts and leaks, which also allows the heat or A/C to escape outside. This means you are paying for warm and cool air you are not actually getting to enjoy. Double-paned windows are often considered one of the best choices for energy efficiency. If you are unable to afford replacements right now, consider investing in weather stripping or storm windows to boost your current set's efficiency.

Individuals who live in older homes with minimal insulation and subpar windows may benefit from planting deciduous trees on the west side of their property. What will this do for your home's energy efficiency? During the summer, the leaves of the trees can help block the sun's rays, allowing your house to stay cooler. As the leaves fall when the winter sets in, you can take advantage of the warmth of the sun to boost the heat indoors.

Homeowners that boast a furnace that is more than 10 years old or has a standing pilot should consider purchasing a replacement. This may seem like a lot of money to dish out, but older furnaces often waste a quarter of the fuel they use. By replacing it, you will save money on fuel costs as well as heating and cooling bills. The local repair company that you call on to repair the furnace may be able to install the new equipment for you.

By following the above advice, you will not only see a decrease in your bills for heating and air. San Antonio homeowners will also need to call on an emergency repair service less often, but only as long as they continue to perform the proper maintenance. With extremely high temperatures in the summer and below freezing lows possible during the winter, knowing that your HVAC system is in good working order is a luxury you cannot go without.
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