Home & Garden Tools Renting

6V Battery Charger! We All Need One At One Time or Another

If you're like the average family you are probably quite familiar with the 6v Battery Charger, in my case we had a Power Wheels by Fisher Price when my kids were young and we were constantly charging that thing up.
We also, as I am sure many of you, had the remote controlled cars too that needed charging constantly and they never seemed to charge fast enough to satisfy the user on the end of that remote control.
I have talked about a Smart Battery Chargers in other articles and I stated that what makes them smart is that they know when to shut off and 'maintain' the battery's charge.
This should also be considered when choosing a charger for the your Battery.
A charger that is made for 6v applications should have, and most do, a complete 3-step charging program which includes and initialization step, a bulk charge step and a float mode.
The 6v Charger should automatically switch to float or maintenance voltage after fully charging the battery, thus eliminating the need to worry about the damaging effects of overcharging and the need to check on the condition of the battery.
But if the battery voltage drops too far under load, then the full charger output power should resume.
Although the 6v Battery is becoming increasingly rare, there are hundreds of thousands of 6v applications still in use.
Since many 6v batteries have been discontinued by some manufacturers, it's important to purchase a 6v Battery Charger to keep on hand for those times when you need to get up and running.
Because of the limited use of the application that uses a battery like this (6v) they get neglected and abused or stored for long periods of time by their owners.
Using a superior quality Charger will extend battery life and performance.
Getting an extra 6v Battery Charger is relatively cheap, I've seen them for sale from anywhere $20 to has high as $135.
I recommend starting with the manufacturer of the battery that you are trying to charge and go from there.
Once you get the manufacturer I would do some research on the internet because you may be able to pick up some batteries as well and boy have they come down in price.
I was trying to remember what I paid for mine when my kids were young and I remember the remote control cars being somewhere in the $20's and of course we had to have more than one, those were the days, now I've seen the batteries for the 6v Battery Charger for under $2.
At one time or another, we have all had to deal with a dead battery and there is never a convenient time for this.
The solution is not to wait until your 6v goes dead (duh), but by storing your battery in a voltage maintainer or 6V Battery Charger, you will be adding time to your battery's life span, and it will be ready for action whenever your kids get in the mood to play with that special toy again.
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