Health & Medical Yoga

Top 7 Tips for Inner Peace

Value peace more than anything else.
What we give our attention to will generate a certain force.
If we feel inner peace is the most important thing then we will make it become a reality.
If we want inner peace we will not allow anger and frustration to rob us of our equanimity.
When we smile at our problems they lose a lot of their power.
Smiling makes us feel happier.
When we are unhappy inner peace will always remain a distant cry.
Inner peace is synonymous with happiness 3.
Don't expect from others.
If we are dependent on others behaving in a certain way we will never have inner peace.
Our inner peace should come from within.
Inner peace doesn't have to wait for outer circumstances to become favourable.
The source of our worries and anxieties comes from our mind.
When we meditate we don't allow ourselves to be bombarded by useless thoughts.
In meditation we learn to silence the mind and enter into a consciousness of inner silence.
It is in this inner mental silence that we can experience real inner peace.
If we take life and ourselves too seriously we will never be at peace.
The world has teeming imperfections, but if we can learn to look at the humorous side of situations then we will not feel an overwhelming sense of gloom.
Give to others.
If we live only to please our own self and ego we will never have inner peace.
When we give importance to our ego we worry about what other people may think and say.
When we serve others we not giving importance to our ego, we are becoming aware of our extended reality.
When we expand our consciousness we are not affected by the concerns of the ego.
"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
-Mother Teresa 7.
Don't allow negative emotions to take hold.
If others act or say things, which are unkind, we do not need to pay them any attention.
When we learn to have a forgiving attitude we will have peace.
If we are constantly judgemental of the actions and opinions of others we won't be able to experience inner peace.
Inner peace comes not through criticising the world but focusing on the loving heart.
"To come back to the secret of inner peace, our questioning and doubting mind is always wanting in peace.
Our loving and dedicated heart is always flooded with inner peace.
- Sri Chinmoy
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