Blogging has a lot of ins and outs that you will learn as you blog.
The most common thing about a blog is that the comments section and the amount of participation there is a good indicator of the success of your blog.
Whether the comments are complimentary or insulting, whether they are agreeing or disagreeing with you; somehow, someway you have made them feel the need to leave a comment.
So take a few minutes now to learn how to write a blog post that will get comments? Creative Headlines that are controversial, invoke thought and provoke a response are a must for a blog.
You could write "How to Make Money with your Blog" or you could write "Make Money Now! Follow these Blogging Tips.
" You see the difference? Keep in mind that while blog posts are often informative or instructional the title can make the difference between getting comments and not getting comments on a post.
A simple how-to title isn't usually a comment getter, but if you present it right it could be.
Keep your blog posts short and to the point.
Internet readers have short attention spans and will skim the post to find the most important points.
Don't exclude information that is needed but to keep readers attention and have specific points that they will want to comment on, you have to be concise.
A long rambling blog post while you attempt to explain the reasons you feel a certain way about a topic is not a conversation starter.
Pick a point of view and stick with it.
Make your point clear in the post and leave those who agree and disagree with you to comment as they feel necessary.
If you are wishy-washy then you give the appearance of asking for a point of view instead of presenting one.
Be steadfast in sticking to your position and give readers the opportunity to try to sway you.
Use links to other sites, blogs and articles to drive your point home.
Question your readers! End your posts with questions such as "Do you agree?" or "How do you feel about this?"This method invites your readers to comment, to share their opinion and to either agree or disagree with your point of view.
The comments section may evolve into a whole conversation between various readers.
You've made them think, you've inspired them to participate and they will want to come back again and again to see what else you come up with!
The most common thing about a blog is that the comments section and the amount of participation there is a good indicator of the success of your blog.
Whether the comments are complimentary or insulting, whether they are agreeing or disagreeing with you; somehow, someway you have made them feel the need to leave a comment.
So take a few minutes now to learn how to write a blog post that will get comments? Creative Headlines that are controversial, invoke thought and provoke a response are a must for a blog.
You could write "How to Make Money with your Blog" or you could write "Make Money Now! Follow these Blogging Tips.
" You see the difference? Keep in mind that while blog posts are often informative or instructional the title can make the difference between getting comments and not getting comments on a post.
A simple how-to title isn't usually a comment getter, but if you present it right it could be.
Keep your blog posts short and to the point.
Internet readers have short attention spans and will skim the post to find the most important points.
Don't exclude information that is needed but to keep readers attention and have specific points that they will want to comment on, you have to be concise.
A long rambling blog post while you attempt to explain the reasons you feel a certain way about a topic is not a conversation starter.
Pick a point of view and stick with it.
Make your point clear in the post and leave those who agree and disagree with you to comment as they feel necessary.
If you are wishy-washy then you give the appearance of asking for a point of view instead of presenting one.
Be steadfast in sticking to your position and give readers the opportunity to try to sway you.
Use links to other sites, blogs and articles to drive your point home.
Question your readers! End your posts with questions such as "Do you agree?" or "How do you feel about this?"This method invites your readers to comment, to share their opinion and to either agree or disagree with your point of view.
The comments section may evolve into a whole conversation between various readers.
You've made them think, you've inspired them to participate and they will want to come back again and again to see what else you come up with!