Health & Medical Nutrition

Food Allergy Symptoms - How Shakespeare Gives You Gas

The words "If music be the food of love, play on..
" has been forever immortalized, thanks to the artistry of Shakespeare but here in the real world where quite literally speaking, the excess consumption of food can lead to gluttony, and this in turn can lead to obesity.
And if that's not enough, people can seriously react to food allergies which for the most part, are due to the immune system's reaction (overreaction, to say the least) to a food protein, which is actually harmless.
And this is where a food allergy is very different in comparison to food intolerance even though many people aren't able to tell the difference between the two.
Food Allergy Vs.
Food intolerance
In truth, food intolerance has nothing to do with the immune system's overreact which is what happens in the case of an allergy.
And while the release of histamine (by mast cells that carry the immunoglobin) causes this allergic reaction, food intolerance normally occurs due to a person's body reacting to certain nutrients, and the immune system does not get involved here.
But what is for sure, is that between the two, food allergies are far more lethal and can affect a person almost immediately as opposed to the long time that it takes food intolerance to act! And so that demands for one to be aware of this kind of reaction by knowing how to spot a food allergic reaction.
How to spot a Food Allergy Since the most common allergies almost always effect a person's respiratory and digestive system and skin, apart from displaying other life threatening symptoms, this is the most common way by which one can spot a food allergy as soon as possible.
Respiratory System Sneezing, runny nose, coughing, wheezing along with watery eyes are most often the symptoms of a food allergy while the closing of the throat and breathing difficulties is normally an allergic reaction to the extreme.
Skin Eczema, swelling, hives and redness or flushing are the symptoms of a food allergy if one has to look for clues when it comes to the skin.
Digestive System Vomiting, nausea, stomach and diarrhea are some of the symptoms to watch out for in the digestive system 4.
Life threatening reactions Although this is extremely rare, this condition (also known as anaphylaxis) can affect several parts of the body, and can display a combination of symptoms as mentioned above as well as pertaining to one's cardiovascular health as well.
While 150 people die each year in the United States of this ailment, there is no doubt that even though it is rare, it is considered fatal.
Coping with a food allergy As the only way to deal with a food allergy is to avoid the food completely, most patients are actually put on a meal plan that completely avoids these foods.
And while it might be difficult to avoid some common foods, it should heartening to know that there are substitutes that are appearing in the market especially for people who cannot have common foods.
In Closing And the tragic irony (that was Shakespeare's forte in his plays) is that while some people continue to abuse their eating habits, there are some folks who can't even touch a particular food, thanks to a food allergy that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
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