- Find the area on the underside of your wrist where the relief band will be placed. This area is approximately one inch below the hand. Wash and dry this area, then place the gel that comes with the relief band directly onto the area where it will go; spread it gently into the skin. The gel helps the skin not become irritated and also helps the body emit the electrical stimulus into and throughout the body.
- The relief band is placed directly over the area where the gel was applied. It is attached to the wrist in the same manner that a watch is worn, though the face of the relief band is on the underside of the wrist. There is an Rx button that you push to turn on the relief band as well as turn up the electrical stimulus. You should feel some tingling in your hand and fingers. By pushing the Rx button you can control the amount of electrical stimulus that is being emitted into your body. Push the Rx button to the highest level of electrical stimulus that you can tolerate.
- The relief band should be placed on the wrist when the feeling of nausea is first noticeable. It can be worn for as long as needed--usually until the discomfort of nausea is gone. It is best to keep the relief band close by, especially if nausea hits suddenly and frequently.
Before Putting on the Relief Band
Where to Place the Relief Band
How Long to Wear the Relief Band