Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

How to effectively write a Bar Mitzvah Parent Speech

When your son's bar Mitzvah comes round, you may be expected to deliver a parent speech at the Bar Mitzvah party.  If just the sound of that scenario gives you the heeby jeebies, you are not alone!  Jay from Chicago is a father of a Bar Mitzvah boy, in his words "My son is having a Bar Mitzvah in three weeks, and I need to give a parents speech, but I'm always at a loss for words, unable to put down how I feel!"

Teri from Johannesburg's son Michael, had recently cleared all his tests for Leukemia, and was about to celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of a lifetime.  She said "all my life I had no problem expressing my thoughts, particularly on paper.  This however is much harder than I had anticipated.  I want the speech to be meaningful, sentimental but at the same time lighthearted."

Marc from London said "I want to write something with Jewish meaning that will make my son think, and impress my guests – but I really don't have the time to do the necessary preparation and research!"

These parents have a number of options ahead of them.  They can google "how to write a parent's bar mitzvah speech", and they will certainly find some helpful tips.  These tips will help to create a skeleton of the speech, however if they want something beyond a firm skeleton they will need more advice.

In this case, a personal speech writing consultant is the way forward.  Speech writing consultants are normally highly experienced speech writers, who have the skills to help work out what it is that their clients want to express, and then they translate this into articulate words, along with anecdotes, humor…and the rest!

So what can a speech writing consultant do for you?

First of all – you need to know that this option is no short cut!  You will be interviewed by the speech writer, who is a skilled listener, and knows how to ask you questions that will guide you to find your own content.  Then the speech writer will write the content in the most eloquent way that will both impress your guests, and express what you really wanted to say, and even how you would have wanted to say it!  You will give feedback, and play an active role in the editing process.  This can, in fact, be considered a partnership!

--Speech writing consultant's should have no agenda and no template, they just listen to their clients and help to develop their ideas into a well written speech or Dvar Torah with appropriate and meaningful Jewish content".--

Jay, Teri and Marc all used the service of the speech writing consultants, and they were very happy that they did so.  As Teri said "I could not have done it without them.  They helped me organize my thoughts and feelings.  I am so happy I found them and hope to have more happy occasions to use their service."
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