Points on tackling safely and effectively
It has been stated many times that a defensive teams win games, and the most fundamental part of a defensive team is performing a great tackle. If executed poorly not only will you not succeed in stopping the offensive team, but you could possibly injure yourself in the process. When you tackle your opponent remember three important steps:
First, you need to stop the opponent quickly so make sure to place yourself directly in front of the opponents path. Plant your cleats in the grass squarely in front and in the middle, bisecting the player in half. At the same time you want to bring your arms back in anticipation for the next phase.
Second you want to bring your other foot into the mix, and at the same time throw your arms up and around your opponent. As your feet plants your head should be making its first contact. Never, ever, ever tackle with the top of your head down, keep it up and square against your opponent. A great way to insure that you are in the right position is to practice touching your facemask to the football of the opposing player.
Third, at this point you have successfully grabbed your opponent and all thats left is to lunge your hips forward and bear all of your momentum against your opponent. The more momentum that you bring to the table on steps two and three the more effective your speed will be in this last step.
Catching the ball high
As a receiver, or any player that is going to catch a pass, you know that not all passes are going to go right to the chest. Because of the variety of passes that you might receive here are some basics to high pass catching: Make a diamond with their forefingers and thumbs. When you try to catch the ball with your body there is a greater chance that it is going to bounce off and cause an incomplete pass. Once you have your hands around the ball, dont take your eyes off the ball but follow it right into your tuck. If you are taking your eyes off for any reason you will lose focus and have a greater chance to miss the pass, or worse, fumble the football.
The importance of learning the Playbook
Every football team will have certain plays. It will be essential to learn your part in that play to benefit yourself, and the whole team. In order to start learning a play, make sure that you first pay attention to the instructions when they are given. As you start to practice the play make sure to slow it down, there is no sense in practicing errors. Practice is a great time to get some extra help, so if you are struggling with a certain play remember that your coaches are there to help you master the techniques. Always, always ask for the help that you need. Are you done with the play after practice? No wayt thing that you can do after practice is visualize your plays. Sleep on them, and you will learn them twice as fast.
Running Drills: A Way of Life
If you have more energy at the fourth quarter then your opponent then you have won, and the best way to get endurance are running drills. Running drills will help you gain stamina so that you will be able to play to your full extent throughout the game. Teams, or individuals, that do not complain throughout the running drills will be better off and better prepared for a game. Just remember that in the end it is the fastest that win games. Another benefit that you will not see at first, is the ability to push yourself past your limits.
It has been stated many times that a defensive teams win games, and the most fundamental part of a defensive team is performing a great tackle. If executed poorly not only will you not succeed in stopping the offensive team, but you could possibly injure yourself in the process. When you tackle your opponent remember three important steps:
First, you need to stop the opponent quickly so make sure to place yourself directly in front of the opponents path. Plant your cleats in the grass squarely in front and in the middle, bisecting the player in half. At the same time you want to bring your arms back in anticipation for the next phase.
Second you want to bring your other foot into the mix, and at the same time throw your arms up and around your opponent. As your feet plants your head should be making its first contact. Never, ever, ever tackle with the top of your head down, keep it up and square against your opponent. A great way to insure that you are in the right position is to practice touching your facemask to the football of the opposing player.
Third, at this point you have successfully grabbed your opponent and all thats left is to lunge your hips forward and bear all of your momentum against your opponent. The more momentum that you bring to the table on steps two and three the more effective your speed will be in this last step.
Catching the ball high
As a receiver, or any player that is going to catch a pass, you know that not all passes are going to go right to the chest. Because of the variety of passes that you might receive here are some basics to high pass catching: Make a diamond with their forefingers and thumbs. When you try to catch the ball with your body there is a greater chance that it is going to bounce off and cause an incomplete pass. Once you have your hands around the ball, dont take your eyes off the ball but follow it right into your tuck. If you are taking your eyes off for any reason you will lose focus and have a greater chance to miss the pass, or worse, fumble the football.
The importance of learning the Playbook
Every football team will have certain plays. It will be essential to learn your part in that play to benefit yourself, and the whole team. In order to start learning a play, make sure that you first pay attention to the instructions when they are given. As you start to practice the play make sure to slow it down, there is no sense in practicing errors. Practice is a great time to get some extra help, so if you are struggling with a certain play remember that your coaches are there to help you master the techniques. Always, always ask for the help that you need. Are you done with the play after practice? No wayt thing that you can do after practice is visualize your plays. Sleep on them, and you will learn them twice as fast.
Running Drills: A Way of Life
If you have more energy at the fourth quarter then your opponent then you have won, and the best way to get endurance are running drills. Running drills will help you gain stamina so that you will be able to play to your full extent throughout the game. Teams, or individuals, that do not complain throughout the running drills will be better off and better prepared for a game. Just remember that in the end it is the fastest that win games. Another benefit that you will not see at first, is the ability to push yourself past your limits.