- 1). Remove the boat from the water and park it over or set it on top of a large sheet of plastic. The plastic sheeting used in construction is ideal and can be purchased at most discount or hardware stores.
- 2). Apply a thick coat of heavy duty paint stripper to the boat. Products with a high phosphoric acid content and a thick consistency, like naval jelly, will cling to the metal rather than running off. Allow the stripper to remain on the aluminum boat for 5 to 10 minutes, but no longer than 15 minutes. Leaving the stripper on the boat for more than 15 minutes will pit and weaken the metal.
- 3). Wash the stripper from the boat with a garden hose and clean water.
- 4). Use your palm sander with 220 grain sandpaper to touch up spots where paint has not come off cleanly. The finer sandpaper will ensure that the surface of the metal isn't scored.
- 5). Bundle up the plastic sheet, paint chips and sludge from the stripper together and dispose.