Health & Medical Food & Drink

Learning How to Cook Salmon Fillets

While most people who cook salmon regularly would suggest grilling as the only option for cooking salmon steaks, how to cook salmon fillets is a little more open to preference.
What is most important is to use methods and recipes that complement salmon's natural and nutritious flavor.
Salmon fillets are boneless and can be smoked and used as lox.
Since all skin and bones have been removed, salmon fillets are excellent for recipes requiring gourmet presentations.
When buying fillets, ask to have it filleted and skinned, and to remove pinbones.
A general rule is 6 ounces of raw salmon is considered a good serving size.
How to cook salmon fillets is as varied as the flavors you can add: smoking, steaming, poaching, pan-frying, curing and baking are just a few of the options.
A Bourbon basted salmon is as easy as marinating a 1.
5lb salmon fillet in a mixture of brown sugar, bourbon, green onions, soy sauce and vegetable oil.
Marinate salmon at least 1 hr and baste the salmon at least once with the marinade.
Grill the salmon for about 7 minutes per side or wrap in aluminum foil with some of marinade, place on cookie sheet.
Bake in 375 degree oven for about 15-20 minutes.
Or you could slow roast the salmon, cutting it lengthwise and then crosswise to make 4 equal squares of fish.
Rub the fish with a pinch of turmeric and season with salt and pepper.
Roast the salmon, in lightly oiled oven-proof pan, turning the pieces carefully with a spatula after about 10 minutes, until just cooked through, about 20 minutes in all.
Slow-roasted salmon looks bright orange when done, and will be moist in the center.
How to cook salmon fillets is as varied as your tastes.
You can also slather both sides of the salmon with the olive oil, season both sides with salt, and bake (skin side down) over a bed of dill sprigs in an oversized shallow baking dish.
Place salmon on top, skinned side down.
Whatever your gusto, salmon fillets offer a delicate and nutritious option for your cooking adventures.
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