In today's complicated world, there are no set rules for courtship.
No longer do men automatically have the upper hand when it comes to relationships.
And that, surprisingly, can make it very confusing for a woman who is seeking a good man for a long-term relationship.
In the old days, there were rules to follow.
If you wanted to make a man fall for you, you made yourself as attractive as possible but waited for him to make the first move.
Men expected to be the dominant personality in a relationship and women were expected to be passive and compliant.
Although this could seem quite oppressive for the woman, she at least knew where she stood and what her role was.
Now, it's not so simple.
Personalities haven't changed all that much - men still like to dominate - but today's women are much more independent and self-assured and they often feel free to be the first to ask a man out.
This sometimes works out well, but it often doesn't, instead making the man feel confused and even a little emasculated.
The truth is, the old rules still work - they just have to be applied differently.
Read on to learn how.
Don't ask a man out Even today, it is still usually a mistake for a woman to ask a man out before he asks her.
Men still want to dominate and tend to shy away from a woman who seems too aggressive.
Instead, use your feminine wiles to attract his attention and let him know you're interested.
As in the old days, a woman who takes the trouble to look her best and knows how to flirt and use body language to convey her interest is ahead of the game.
The key is to be subtle and allow him to think he's the one making the moves.
Don't pressure him Men tend to run when women put too much pressure on them - especially at the beginning of a relationship.
Asking him to commit to you before he is ready could be fatal to a budding romance.
It's much better in the long run to hold off and let him make the first moves.
He'll think he's in charge, which is what you want him to think even if you are really the one calling the shots.
Be patient and let the relationship progress at his pace Men tend to fall in love much more slowly than women do.
Even if you are head over heels in love with him, it's a mistake to overwhelm him with confessions of love before he's ready to hear them.
Just relax, have fun with him and bide your time.
The good news is that, once he has fallen for you he will be yours forever.
He just needs plenty of time to recognize his feelings for you.
If you really want to make a man fall for you, you will need to look at some of the old-fashioned courtship rules and use them to your advantage.
You'll be glad you did.
No longer do men automatically have the upper hand when it comes to relationships.
And that, surprisingly, can make it very confusing for a woman who is seeking a good man for a long-term relationship.
In the old days, there were rules to follow.
If you wanted to make a man fall for you, you made yourself as attractive as possible but waited for him to make the first move.
Men expected to be the dominant personality in a relationship and women were expected to be passive and compliant.
Although this could seem quite oppressive for the woman, she at least knew where she stood and what her role was.
Now, it's not so simple.
Personalities haven't changed all that much - men still like to dominate - but today's women are much more independent and self-assured and they often feel free to be the first to ask a man out.
This sometimes works out well, but it often doesn't, instead making the man feel confused and even a little emasculated.
The truth is, the old rules still work - they just have to be applied differently.
Read on to learn how.
Don't ask a man out Even today, it is still usually a mistake for a woman to ask a man out before he asks her.
Men still want to dominate and tend to shy away from a woman who seems too aggressive.
Instead, use your feminine wiles to attract his attention and let him know you're interested.
As in the old days, a woman who takes the trouble to look her best and knows how to flirt and use body language to convey her interest is ahead of the game.
The key is to be subtle and allow him to think he's the one making the moves.
Don't pressure him Men tend to run when women put too much pressure on them - especially at the beginning of a relationship.
Asking him to commit to you before he is ready could be fatal to a budding romance.
It's much better in the long run to hold off and let him make the first moves.
He'll think he's in charge, which is what you want him to think even if you are really the one calling the shots.
Be patient and let the relationship progress at his pace Men tend to fall in love much more slowly than women do.
Even if you are head over heels in love with him, it's a mistake to overwhelm him with confessions of love before he's ready to hear them.
Just relax, have fun with him and bide your time.
The good news is that, once he has fallen for you he will be yours forever.
He just needs plenty of time to recognize his feelings for you.
If you really want to make a man fall for you, you will need to look at some of the old-fashioned courtship rules and use them to your advantage.
You'll be glad you did.