The best fat burning exercises are the ones that get you to your target heart rate zone.
Yes! You heard that right.
Once your heart rate gets up to its optimum level, you will then be losing weight quickly and effectively.
Ready Your target heart rate is 65% or a minimum of up to 85% or a maximum of your resting heart rate.
In order to achieve target, you need to take your pulse while resting for a full minute.
The formula to compute your target is usually based on the Karvonen formula.
Steady To use the best fat burning exercises, this person would need to keep his heart rate at 150 or even lower.
The best way to do that would be to take a brisk walk or a slow jog.
Swimming or biking is another way to burn fat.
To know if you're at your lower end of your heart rate, try talking.
If you can talk but have to catch your breath a little, then you're perfect.
If it's easy for you to converse, you need to speed up a little.
If you can't talk at all, you're too fast and need to slow down.
Before You Go To begin with, be sure to warm up for at least ten minutes and cool down for another ten minutes every time you work out.
Keep yourself hydrated.
Have two glasses of water to help the fat melt away during any of these effective fat burning exercises and take sips of water while exercising, around every 15 minutes of your work out.
After the Going Perform some stretching after your fat burning exercises in order for you to loosen up your muscles and keep yourself limber.
This is especially important if you take a brisk walk or do aerobic exercises.
Relax those muscles that you've stressed.
Don't forget to eat to get the most of the best fat burning exercises.
Having small and well balanced meals or a quick snack about 1 hour or 2 before you exercise is best.
This way, you will be burning fat and not muscle.
Yes! You heard that right.
Once your heart rate gets up to its optimum level, you will then be losing weight quickly and effectively.
Ready Your target heart rate is 65% or a minimum of up to 85% or a maximum of your resting heart rate.
In order to achieve target, you need to take your pulse while resting for a full minute.
The formula to compute your target is usually based on the Karvonen formula.
Steady To use the best fat burning exercises, this person would need to keep his heart rate at 150 or even lower.
The best way to do that would be to take a brisk walk or a slow jog.
Swimming or biking is another way to burn fat.
To know if you're at your lower end of your heart rate, try talking.
If you can talk but have to catch your breath a little, then you're perfect.
If it's easy for you to converse, you need to speed up a little.
If you can't talk at all, you're too fast and need to slow down.
Before You Go To begin with, be sure to warm up for at least ten minutes and cool down for another ten minutes every time you work out.
Keep yourself hydrated.
Have two glasses of water to help the fat melt away during any of these effective fat burning exercises and take sips of water while exercising, around every 15 minutes of your work out.
After the Going Perform some stretching after your fat burning exercises in order for you to loosen up your muscles and keep yourself limber.
This is especially important if you take a brisk walk or do aerobic exercises.
Relax those muscles that you've stressed.
Don't forget to eat to get the most of the best fat burning exercises.
Having small and well balanced meals or a quick snack about 1 hour or 2 before you exercise is best.
This way, you will be burning fat and not muscle.