Home & Garden: How to Identify Common Lawn Weeds in Georgia

How to Identify Common Lawn Weeds in Georgia

It is important to identify the weeds in your lawn so that you can use the proper methods of control, at the proper time of the season. Weeds are broadly divided in to two groups--broadleaf weeds and grass-like weeds--according to the University of Georgia. Identifying the weed through further class

Home & Garden: Large Fungus on a Sycamore

Large Fungus on a Sycamore

Sycamore trees are also referred to by the scientific name Platanus occidentalis and are members of the Plantanaceae family. This massive tree is susceptible to developing a serious fungal disease that affects its appearance and vigor.

Home & Garden: What Kind of Plant Is the Cherry Belle Radish?

What Kind of Plant Is the Cherry Belle Radish?

The Raphanus sativus, or radish, is a root vegetable native to Asia. Radishes vary in size and shape, depending on the variety, and are available in a number of different cultivars, including cherry belle.

Home & Garden: Can Ants Damage Fruit Trees?

Can Ants Damage Fruit Trees?

A number of types of ants can damage fruit trees. Although they may not eat the fruit, they can cause harm to the bark, allowing fungi to grow; they can also protect other insect pests that harm the trees directly.

Home & Garden: Types of Hollyhocks

Types of Hollyhocks

Brightly colored hollyhocks originated in Europe and China and have been a favorite for centuries, because they're surprisingly easy to grow and strikingly beautiful.The long, slender stalks loaded with huge, delicate blooms will continue to flower all summer and into the fall, attracting butterflie

Home & Garden: Is My Viburnum Shrub Dying?

Is My Viburnum Shrub Dying?

The viburnum shrub -- some varieties are considered small trees -- rarely suffers from disease or insect infestation unless it is otherwise stressed or unhealthy. Fatal afflictions are possible, however.

Home & Garden: Where to Plant Coral Bell Flowers

Where to Plant Coral Bell Flowers

Coral bells, or Heuchera sanguine, are herbaceous perennials that come in a variety of colors, heights and sunlight preferences. This evergreen plant can add interest to a garden year-round. Foliage as well as flowers come in several color choices. Coral bells can thrive in many environments but the

Home & Garden: DIY Indoor Plant Watering

DIY Indoor Plant Watering

Plants adapted as houseplants tend to be plants that have robust natures and minimal needs. While many houseplants are fairly drought resistant, regular watering of your plants -- without over watering them -- is necessary. When buying your plant, a tag often comes with it indicating its level of wa

Home & Garden: How to Set Up a Martin Birdhouse

How to Set Up a Martin Birdhouse

Purple martins love people almost as much as people love them. They love people so much, in fact, that in the Eastern U.S., martins completely depend on humans to provide housing for them in the form of houses and hollow gourds. Martins delight backyard bird-watchers because, unlike many other bird

Home & Garden: Herbicide Treatment on Footways

Herbicide Treatment on Footways

Herbicide treatment on footways is often necessary to control pest weeds that can make the footway difficult to use. Whether the footway is a dirt walkway or made of stone pavers, herbicides are much easier and more effective than pulling the weeds by hand. There are many options and all of them sho

Home & Garden: Diseases of Holly Plants

Diseases of Holly Plants

Hollies are popular ornamental trees.holly image by david hughes from Fotolia.comHollies are very popular ornamental trees and shrubs, widely used for such things as screens, hedges, foliage and berries for Christmas decorations, shade trees, and a source of food and cover for different...

Home & Garden: How to Cut Back a Yucca Plant

How to Cut Back a Yucca Plant

Yucca's distinctive spiky foliage and drought hardiness make it an ideal xeriscape ornamental. One of the best features of the yucca is that it requires very little care. In fact, if you don't mind the shaggy look of natural yucca, you can forgo pruning altogether. But if the rough look of your yucc

Home & Garden: When Do Elderberries Fruit?

When Do Elderberries Fruit?

Elderberries (Sambucus canadensis) are an old-time favorite for making pies, jams, jellies and wine. Elderberries grow as canes that merge into a bush that can be up to 12 feet tall. They shed their leaves in the fall. Elderberries grow wild and are winter hardy in most of the United States. They ar

Home & Garden: Types of Flowers in China

Types of Flowers in China

The peony is one of numerous flowers native to China.Peony image by Konstantin Stepanov from Fotolia.comThere are more than 32,000 different species of higher plants in China, according to the website china.org. Among those species, a wide variety of flowering plants exist. Several of the...

Home & Garden: How to Kill Spider Mites & White Flies on Outdoor Plants

How to Kill Spider Mites & White Flies on Outdoor Plants

Outdoor plants and indoor plants have a tendency to develop white flies and spider mites. If left untreated, either pest will damage the plant and possibly kill it. White flies are small flies with white wings, and spider mites are hard to see with the naked eye. They breed rapidly and live on the u

Home & Garden: Types of Hydroponic Growning Mediums

Types of Hydroponic Growning Mediums

A growing medium is something a plant can grow in. Hydroponics refers to a gardening system that is based on water, not soil. If plants are not grown in soil, the container is a hydroponic growing medium.

Home & Garden: How to Plant Black Walnuts & Chestnuts Trees From a Seed

How to Plant Black Walnuts & Chestnuts Trees From a Seed

Whether you want to add a tree to your yard or you want to plant an orchard for nut or timber production, you may want to plant black walnut and chestnut trees from seed. The seeds come in the form of nuts, and often cost less than purchasing seedlings. Under the proper growing conditions, the seeds

Home & Garden: Trees with Flat, Broad Leaves That Are Shed Before Winter

Trees with Flat, Broad Leaves That Are Shed Before Winter

From the gardener's perspective, a tree's foliage brings form, color and texture to the landscape. Those ornamental characteristics, however, are secondary to the foliage's essential functions. For many trees, leaves act as solar energy collectors, food factories, lungs and climate control systems.

Home & Garden: The Kind of Plants That Grasshoppers Eat

The Kind of Plants That Grasshoppers Eat

A grasshopper's diet depends on what plants grow in its natural habitat.grasshopper image by martini from Fotolia.comThere are more than 8,000 different species of grasshopper in the world. Most of these are herbivores, meaning that they eat only plants (though there are a few grasshopper...

Home & Garden: How to Remove Moss From a Brick Wall

How to Remove Moss From a Brick Wall

Areas in your yard that are heavily shaded and moist are prone to a moss invasion. If left to grow unchecked, the moss will eventually choke out the grass completely and begin growing on structures. Moss seems to have an affinity for brick walls, where it will eventually break down the mortar holdin