Health & Medical: Living With a (Double) Herniated Disk - My Personal Story

Living With a (Double) Herniated Disk - My Personal Story

I wanted to make a series of posts about all kinds of back issues - from simple back pain to herniated disks. I see more and more young people having these kinds of problems and decided to share my experience on the matter. But I can't do it before I tell you my personal story.

Health & Medical: Migraine Headache Symptoms - What You Should Know

Migraine Headache Symptoms - What You Should Know

Have you been suffering from severe headaches that only affect one side of your head?If you are dealing with constant pounding headaches, you probably suffer from migraine headaches.Migraine headache symptoms can range from a variety of different things.

Health & Medical: Chiropractic Care - A Safe Management for Chronic Pain

Chiropractic Care - A Safe Management for Chronic Pain

Many people are experiencing chronic pain. At present, there are various options on how you would like to manage and treat your pain. Medication regimen often yields unfavorable side effects and can also possibly lead to drug dependence. Evidence shows how chiropractic care is efficient for people w

Health & Medical: Why is Heat a Great Natural Treatment For Muscle Pain?

Why is Heat a Great Natural Treatment For Muscle Pain?

I took some pain killers, but the truth is that they didn't do much for the pain I had, so I started thinking, what else can I do to naturally get rid of the pain? Then it occurred to me... HEAT!

Health & Medical: Understanding What a Bulging Disc Is

Understanding What a Bulging Disc Is

A bulging vertebral disc is a common occurrence. It usually remains asymptomatic, however, it can cause a great deal of discomfort and disability in different parts of the body in case it compresses any adjacent nerve root. With age, the outer fibrous section of intervertebral disc becomes weak. Pre

Health & Medical: Psychological Pain Control For Migraine and Other Pain

Psychological Pain Control For Migraine and Other Pain

The article describes how to use a psychological awareness technique to minimise or get rid of the pain caused by migraine and headaches. It can also be used with other kinds of pain. It is best to have another person helping you when using the technique for at least the first few times.

Health & Medical: Common Migraine Headache Relief Methods

Common Migraine Headache Relief Methods

Migraine is a kind of headache that consists of acute pain on one side of the head coupled with severe nausea, vomiting and pain in both eyes. There are many methods for migraine headache relief. Some of them are very simple exercises that can be done at home itself.

Health & Medical: Sciatica and Pregnancy - Why Do the Two Seem to Go Together?

Sciatica and Pregnancy - Why Do the Two Seem to Go Together?

Having a baby - it is by far the most amazing and fun thing that life has to offer. Unfortunately, it is also the hardest. The journey a mother goes through for her child begins even before she knows she is a mother.

Health & Medical: Fibromyalgia Treatment and Drugs

Fibromyalgia Treatment and Drugs

The use of fibromyalgia treatment and drugs varies between doctors, usually because each fibromyalgia patient has a unique set of symptoms that need to be treated. The general symptoms of this condition are fairly straight forward (muscle pain, stiffness, a lack of energy, etc), but the symptoms man

Health & Medical: Exercises for Sciatica: The Solution To Prevention and Recovery

Exercises for Sciatica: The Solution To Prevention and Recovery

With the exception of those few cases when there's structural damage to the actual spine caused by bulging discs or spinal stenosis, exercises for sciatica pain relief is just the ticket you need for a complete recovery. Even in the uncommon cases of structural causes for your low back pain, st

Health & Medical: Whiplash Neck Pain Improves With Chiropractic Care

Whiplash Neck Pain Improves With Chiropractic Care

As a practicing Chiropractor in Salt Lake City, Utah, I've had many patients come through my injury clinic with whiplash symptoms. The numbers always seem to escalate during the colder winter months when the roads often become icier and the drivers seemingly less cautious. There you are, drivin

Health & Medical: Hot Tubs - Do They Help the Pain?

Hot Tubs - Do They Help the Pain?

Hot tubs have been around since ancient Roman and Greek cultures and in Japan from ancient times right through to today.Hot tubs are known for a place to relax and unwind with friends and family after a hard days work.The methods of moving water with water provided the foundation for the jet pump in

Health & Medical: Structural Chiropractic Treatment Basics

Structural Chiropractic Treatment Basics

Chiropractic care is a main part of many individuals' lives throughout the country. Chiropractic care treats and helps with many different problems ranging from headaches, neck pain, lower back pain, Sciatica and Scoliosis. In chiropractic care we look for a problem called the Vertebral Subluxa