Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Sciatica and Pregnancy - Why Do the Two Seem to Go Together?

Having a baby - it is by far the most amazing and fun thing that life has to offer.
Unfortunately, it is also the hardest.
The journey a mother goes through for her child begins even before she knows she is a mother.
Being pregnant is kind of hard to explain.
Everyone comes out of it with their own stories and no two pregnancies are alike.
We are expect the most common pregnancy symptoms: nausea, swollen ankles,hormones,cravings,etc.
What What we don't always expect is having our own unique and uncommon pregnancy problems.
Sciatica and pregnancy is one of these problems.
Sciatic pain occurs when there is direct pressure on or around the sciatic nerve.
In pregnancy, the growing weight of the baby pulls on your back and strains that nerve.
As if getting around while you are pregnant is not hard enough, now you have shooting, burning, stubborn pain that just won't quit.
How long this pain actually last can vary.
For some people, it leaves once the baby is born, for others, it leaves once the pregnancy weight comes off.
Some lucky people though will have the pain long after delivery.
There is hope though.
There are many things you can do that will help this pain.
Everything from food to gentle stretching can help.
You just have to know what works and what does not.
The best way to do that is by journaling things that you have tried, what has worked, and what has not.
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