Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Is It Really Worth It? Chiropractic Care and the Cost

The cost of medical care is escalating while the economic climate is declining.
Every cent is accounted for, which means sacrificing some of the luxuries you once enjoyed.
Unfortunately, many people have had to give up their health insurance due to the exuberantly inflated monthly (or yearly) premiums.
Your health and well-being should never have to be an option to eliminate.
Even the poorest individuals are entitled to the same high standard of care that is available to the more financially secure sects of our country.
What do you do when you have to choose between maintaining good health and paying rent or household utility bills? Researchers are working diligently to find ways of cutting medical costs without sacrificing quality medical care.
Chiropractic care is one form of treatment that is rapidly gaining popularity within the medical community.
Chiropractic care is not only beneficial to your body but to your wallet as well.
What exactly are the benefits of choosing chiropractic care over the more traditional forms medical treatment? There are numerous benefits but cost,decrease in need for surgical solutions, better overall performance at work, and it is an non-evasive and drug free alternative rank highest on the list.
The average cost of a single session is anywhere from $34 to just over $100.
Your location and physical condition are the main determining factors in the overall cost.
It seems that fees run higher if you are in the south and lower if you live in the mid-west.
Your initial visit will most likely be the highest in terms of cost.
During your initial visit, the chiropractor will do a thorough physical evaluation and a set of X-rays.
This will help the practitioner construct your specialized treatment plan.
Compare these prices with the bills you will get from your general physician, a specialist, a surgeon, the pharmacist, the anesthesiologist, and a hospital stay you might need after a treatment or procedure.
Chiropractic treatment is far more affordable than paying for each doctor/hospital due to the necessary treatments your condition(s) require.
Even the tightest budget can be rearranged to allow for this alternative care plan.
Some of the additional (and/or optional) costs are for massage therapy and acupuncture (which can run as high as a few hundred dollars).
There may also be further testing needed such as more X-rays or a MRI.
It all depends on what you can afford and what specific treatments will give you the best chance for recovery.
Most insurance carriers are now accepting chiropractic care as a viable treatment option.
Some clinics are willing to either work on a sliding scale (your payments "slide" based on your total gross income) or work out an acceptable payment plan.
The clinics that accept "cash only" payments and single practice offices usually run quite a bit less than large medical groups.
Chiropractic treatment is also a tax-deductible medical expense.
These are just a few of the reasons to switch over and take full advantage of this alternative form of care.
What can you expect during your sessions? Every treatment plan is formulated for each individual based on his/her condition, so it will vary from person to person.
To give you a basic idea, this is what you can expect in a very generalized session: Your visit(s) should include adjustments to your spine, joint realignment, and any other manipulation/treatment you may need which should be outlined in your personal treatment plan.
After treatment, especially in the beginning, you may experience some soreness which usually disappears within a few days.
By not taking care of your body today, you will find that all areas of your life will suffer.
An unhealthy individual will miss more days of work due to illness which leads to sub-par performance.
You could be setting yourself up for future illness and/or irreversible conditions.
Your mental clarity and mental performance will depreciate which can lead to depression.
All of these things will bleed over into your personal life, which can affect your ability to maintain a long-term and healthy relationship.
Take the advice of the millions of people who have switched over to chiropractic care for their physical needs.
Regain control of your health and life today, for tomorrow may be too late.
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