Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Common Migraine Headache Relief Methods

Migraine is a kind of headache that consists of acute pain on one side of the head coupled with severe nausea, vomiting and pain in both eyes.
There are many methods for migraine headache relief.
Some of them are very simple exercises that can be done at home itself.
One of the most common methods of migraine headache relief is to drink lots of water.
Migraine is usually caused by body dehydration and hence drinking water cleanses the body system.
When the body is cleansed, the blood circulation is regulated throughout the body and this hugely benefits the nervous system.
Since the nerves get enough relaxation from proper blood circulation, the pain reduces automatically.
Another common migraine headache relief measure is to apply hot or cold packs on the forehead to give the much needed soothing effect for the nerves.
A towel should be dipped in warm water and it should be applied on the forehead.
This, when done continuously gives a huge soothing effect to the nerves.
Similarly an ice pack can also be kept on the forehead whenever one experiences pain, so that the nerves are cooled and get enough relaxation.
A simple exercise proves to be a great migraine headache relief method.
This exercise is nothing but rotation of neck muscles at least thrice a day for twenty minutes each.
The nerves around the neck and those of the head are interconnected.
Whenever a person experiences a migraine headache, he also experiences a pain in his neck area.
This is because of the tension on the nerves around the neck.
A simple exercise whereby one rotates his neck upward, downward and sideward directions daily for at least twenty minutes.
Listening to good classical or soft music can also prove to be a huge migraine headache relief measure.
Nowadays-even doctors are recommending music therapy for migraine and spinal ailments.
The soft music soothes the nerves and has a relaxing effect on them.
There are various scientific studies that have proved that music has medicinal properties too.
This property is tapped and the patient is made to listen to soft music for quick recovery from migraine pain.
Another common migraine headache relief is where the person is made to take rest in a dark room.
Exposure to light increases the pain caused due to migraine; hence the patient must be immediately shifted to a dark room when he experiences pain.
Darkness gives a cooling effect and a soothing sensation to the tensed nerves.
Walking is another simple exercise, which gives the body the much needed blood circulation regulation.
Walking also helps the body to absorb pure oxygen into the body, thereby rejuvenating the whole system.
Once blood circulation and oxygen absorption increases, the nerves automatically get relaxed and pain reduces.
These are some of instant migraine headache relief measures.
However, if pain persists, it is always best to consult a specialist and get it sorted out at the earliest.
If the pain continues to exist even after the above relief measures, then it should be more serious than normal cases.
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