Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Fibromyalgia Treatment and Drugs

The use of fibromyalgia treatment and drugs varies between doctors, usually because each fibromyalgia patient has a unique set of symptoms that need to be treated.
The general symptoms of this condition are fairly straight forward (muscle pain, stiffness, a lack of energy, etc), but the symptoms manifest themselved in unique ways depending on the person.
It is difficult for a doctor to diagnose fibromyalgia, because there are no outward signs that a person has the condition.
Usually the diagnosis is identified after a doctor has eliminated the possibility of other conditions.
There are some doctors who do not think that fibromyalgia pain is as serious, and so they may dismiss a patient that is reporting pain related to the condition.
Do not be shy to visit with another doctor if your health care provider is not helping you with the treatment you need.
Because there is no known cure for fibromyalgia, most treatment focus on reducing the symptoms that are experienced by the patient.
There are several fibromyalgia medications that can help to reduce symptoms, including: analgesics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to treat the pain; muscle relaxants; antidepressants to reduce depression; benzodiazepine drugs to help relax tense and painful muscles and improve sleeping difficulties; and anticonvulsant medications.
The only medication that has been approved by the FDA to treat fibromyalgia is Lyrica, which helps to treat the pain associated with the condition.
Many patients do not like to be dependent on medication for their pain relief, so they focus their treatment plans around other alternative treatments such as muscle stretching, massage, acupuncture, and lifestyle changes.
Fibromyalgia treatment and drugs can effectively help to reduce the symptoms that a person is experiencing, but different treatments may need to be tried before finding the perfect treatment for your individual needs.
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