Home & Garden: Rotating Crops To Control Diseases On A Micro Farm

Rotating Crops To Control Diseases On A Micro Farm

Rotating crops on a micro farm is especially problematic. You may be wondering why that may be; the answer is simple. The operative word in micro farm is "micro", as in really small.

Home & Garden: Orchids Love Being Watered

Orchids Love Being Watered

How correctly watering orchids can be accomplished by using an easy humidity solution, checking potting bark and properly fertilizing.

Home & Garden: Information on using the popular types of hedge trimmers

Information on using the popular types of hedge trimmers

Never cut while in the actual springtime while the garden hedges are expanding or you are going to stunt the hedges development. Furthermore, you should not cut around late summer season, or your hedg

Home & Garden: No-Maintenance Gardens and Low Maintenance Gardening

No-Maintenance Gardens and Low Maintenance Gardening

Whether your garden is a small bed, a large suburban yard, a vertical landscape design or an urban landscape design it will require some maintenance. Low or easy maintenance gardening is what many people would like to embrace, either through necessity or preference. No garden will be a zero maintena

Home & Garden: The Best Way to Win an Uphill Sprint Cycling Finish

The Best Way to Win an Uphill Sprint Cycling Finish

Sprints are always the most intense and exciting part of any bike race because the entire race has been building to that last, huge effort where the cyclists give everything they have left to get across the finish line. An uphill finish requires even more effort, but also largely eliminates factors

Home & Garden: Garden Aquaponics

Garden Aquaponics

Garden Aquaponics can provide you with a great deal of fruit and vegetables and delicious seafood, they're ideal for any kind of home and any age group. The first thing you will need to know about aquaponics is that it combines the principles of aquaculture with those of garden hydroponics, thu

Home & Garden: Orchid Care Instructions - How To Keep Bugs From Bugging Your Orchids

Orchid Care Instructions - How To Keep Bugs From Bugging Your Orchids

I was reading a post over at "The Good Thing - About Gardening" called "Keeping Bugs Out of Your Garden". It was discussing organic approaches to prevent pest problems instead of controlling them after the fact. My mind went to how this could apply to orchids, of course. My curio

Home & Garden: A-Z of Worm Farming For Profits

A-Z of Worm Farming For Profits

It is possible to pursuit worm farming for profits in different niches, but you will first have to know all the tips and tricks to make your worm farm successful. If you want to make money on a small scale in your backyard then you can sell this rich fertilizer worm casting to your neighbors for the

Home & Garden: How to Care for Goldfish Plants

How to Care for Goldfish Plants

Goldfish plants have glossy, dark green foliage and bright orange flowers. They are a popular houseplant because they bring color to any room and are reasonably easy to cultivate once you have found your particular plant's sweet spot. Goldfish plants do require some initial supervision to make sure

Home & Garden: Spanish Gazebo Styles

Spanish Gazebo Styles

Gazebos began as ornately carved outdoor focal points.park gazebo image by Pix by Marti from Fotolia.comOriginating in the Victorian period as gazebo, a mock-Latin word meaning "I shall gaze," these open post-and-beam buildings typically have five, six or eight sides and are topped with a...

Home & Garden: The Best Winter Plants

The Best Winter Plants

When the weather turns cold, some plants die -- but other types of plants flourish. They embrace the chilly weather, adding color and fragrance to gardens even on the dreariest winter days. In addition to proper care, the key to a successful winter garden is knowing which plants not only survive the

Home & Garden: Potting shed plans: Choosing the right potting shed design

Potting shed plans: Choosing the right potting shed design

Potting shed basics A potting shed is not necessarily complicated to create. It can be an extremely simple structure. At minimum it should hold your gardening supplies and tools. Your potting shed doesn't really even ...

Home & Garden: Build Your Dream Raised Bed Garden Using Appropriate Kits

Build Your Dream Raised Bed Garden Using Appropriate Kits

A raised bed garden can be built using appropriate tools. Kits made of cedar add an aesthetic touch to your home garden and save elderly people from straining backs while nurturing plants. Plastic, on the other hand is an inexpensive option.