- 1). Give your goldfish plant bright, but not direct, light. Goldfish plants like rooms that get lots of sun, but they do not like to sit in windows where they will bake. You can tell if your goldfish plant is not getting enough light because its leaves will start to curl at the edges.
- 2). Keep your plant's soil moist. Goldfish plants grow best when their soil is moist but not soggy. This generally requires daily watering but always check the soil with your finger first so that you do not end up giving your plant a mud bath.
- 3). Mist your plant regularly. Goldfish plants grow best when they are in humid environments, but most houses do not have quite enough humidity for them. Counteract this by keeping a spray bottle near your plant and misting it several times throughout the day.
- 4). Keep the temperature above 60 degrees. Your goldfish plant will not survive temperatures lower than 60. In the winter, keep the plant in a room that is climate controlled.