Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Moelleux


What does the French word moelleux mean? How is it pronounced and used?

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Faire un demi-tour

Faire un demi-tour

What do the French expressions faire un demi-tour and faire demi-tour mean and how are they used?

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Two Versions of "Kidnapped by Movies," by Susan Sontag

Two Versions of "Kidnapped by Movies," by Susan Sontag

In an essay first published in 1995 and revised the next year, Susan Sontag examined the causes for what she saw as the "ignominious, irreversible decline" of films. One cause, as discussed in the following passages, has been the decline of theater going in favor of home viewing of movies.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Pathos and Persuasion: The Validity of Emotional Appeals

Pathos and Persuasion: The Validity of Emotional Appeals

As Richard Whately acknowledges in these excerpts from chapter two of "Elements of Rhetoric" (7th ed., 1846), his reflections on the validity of emotional appeals (known in classical rhetoric as pathos) show the influence of both Aristotle and the notable Scottish rhetorician George Campbe

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: What Are Pidgin & Creole?

What Are Pidgin & Creole?

Pidgin and creole languages are basically new languages derived from a combination of two or more languages. Because these are new languages, their vocabulary and grammar are often simplistic and rudimentary in nature.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Appeler sous les drapeaux

Appeler sous les drapeaux

What does the idiomatic French expression appeler sous les drapeaux mean and how is it used?

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Mandarin Summer Camps

Mandarin Summer Camps

Summer is a great time for kids to learn Mandarin. This list of summer programs offers lots of choices to learn Mandarin in the summertime.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Arise, Sir --! by Max Beerbohm

Arise, Sir --! by Max Beerbohm

In this satire on popular novelists, Max Beerbohm explains why Mr. Flimflam deserves a knighthood--"one which will perish, like his twaddle, with him."

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: semantic field analysis

semantic field analysis

The arrangement of words (or lexemes) into groups (or fields) on the basis of an element of shared meaning. Also called lexical field analysis.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Pot Calling The Kettle Black

The Pot Calling The Kettle Black

Idiom in Chinese language often refers to a category of fixed phrase which has been through long-term use and high refinement. This clip image001 thumb The Pot Calling the Kettle Blacklanguage formation is a concise unit larger than word, yet has grammatical functions equivalent to the word, often f

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Italian Audio Phrasebook

Italian Audio Phrasebook

Improve your Italian pronunciation and build your vocabulary. The Italian language audio phrasebook features audio files and an English-Italian phrasebook.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Time


Learn basic Japanese language vocabulary for time with audio files.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Using 'Parar

Using 'Parar

A look at how the Spanish verb 'parar' is used, with more than a dozen Spanish sentences and their translations.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Of the Vanity of Words, by Michel de Montaigne

Of the Vanity of Words, by Michel de Montaigne

In this essay, Montaigne equates eloquence with bombast and deception. The "stupidity" of the common people, he says, makes them "subject to be turned and twined and led by the ears by this charming harmony of words, without weighing or considering the truth and reality of things by t

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