Business & Finance: How to Become A Six Figure Blogger

How to Become A Six Figure Blogger

How do you become a six figure blog marketer? Anyone that is making six figures with blog marketing is not very likely to give up their secrets. Unless they can sell it to you in an ebook.

Business & Finance: Chiropractic Blog Marketing

Chiropractic Blog Marketing

There are numerous different ways to market your practice successfully and get floods of new patients from the internet in 2009. The social media explosion has given rise to chiropractic blog marketing and it appears to be really taking the profession by storm. This is because people have a natural

Business & Finance: The Meaning of Blog

The Meaning of Blog

A blog is a website that serves as a personal journal or diary of the owner, known as the blogger. Blogs are frequently updated and are designed in reverse-chronological order, with the most recent blog post at the top of the Web page. The Internet hosted more than 150 million blogs at the time of p

Business & Finance: Blog Writing - Finding the Right "Person"

Blog Writing - Finding the Right "Person"

There are a host of articles and sites covering advice on how to address various topics, but one area that doesn't get a lot of attention is what "person" to write the blog in. Each linguistic person has its own strengths and weaknesses, depending on the message that needs to be cover

Business & Finance: How Can We Know Our Audience? And How Should We Communicate With Them?

How Can We Know Our Audience? And How Should We Communicate With Them?

Imagine having conversation with your friend. When you talk to your friend, you know how to communicate with him. You know that you can be friendly or you got to refrain yourself for making certain comments. You know what type of conversations you can have with them. When we talk about knowing your

Business & Finance: Niche Blogging Tips You Need to Know

Niche Blogging Tips You Need to Know

Although I have only been working online since 2007, I have learned a lot about niche blogging and how it can help you to establish a thriving and profitable online business. Most certainly, creating a blog and using it to provide your online presence is the absolute easiest way to get started - esp

Business & Finance: 5 Ways to a Perfect Post Before You Publish

5 Ways to a Perfect Post Before You Publish

If you're looking to monetize your blog, increase your readership or plug your business the best way is through quality content. There are a lot of different things that you should check before you publish your blog post. A blog post that has grammar or formatting issues will bounce readers rig

Business & Finance: How to Install Comment Support on a Tumblr Blog

How to Install Comment Support on a Tumblr Blog

The Tumblr blogging platform is one of the fastest growing micro-blogging formats because of its elegance and simplicity. With just a few mouse clicks, anyone can begin blogging using various entry formats. Adding multimedia to blog posts is as simple as selecting the appropriate post category and i

Business & Finance: Create a Dynamic Blog to Boost Your Internet Business

Create a Dynamic Blog to Boost Your Internet Business

Everyone starting out with an Internet business needs to promote their business just as they would do if it were a brick and mortar business.Advertising is important for any successful business.Nobody will purchase your product, if they do not know who you are or what you are selling.

Business & Finance: Five Reasons You Need a Blog

Five Reasons You Need a Blog

These days there's a lot of talk about social media and social strategies for promoting your business, with big names like Facebook and Twitter grabbing much of the action. But while these are important, one of the most powerful forms of social media remains one of the original ones, and the on

Business & Finance: Photo Mosaic Meme's - Adding Character to Your Blog

Photo Mosaic Meme's - Adding Character to Your Blog

If you surf the Internet quite a bit, and in particular enjoy frequenting different blogs, then you have probably come across at least one photo mosaic meme. You may not have known what you were looki

Business & Finance: WordPress 3.0 - Customise to Your Heart's Content

WordPress 3.0 - Customise to Your Heart's Content

Now we are three… A whole 5 years since version 2.0, and 6 months in the making, WordPress 3.0 has arrived, under the jazzy guise of Thelonious (as in Monk, the master of improvisation and innovation,

Business & Finance: Can You Make Money Blogging As an Affiliate Marketer?

Can You Make Money Blogging As an Affiliate Marketer?

Since the financial downturn there has been a lot of interest in learning how to make money blogging. Why? Well...affiliate marketing seems to be a quick and easy way to make money online. People all over the world are reportedly earning money online by simply promoting someone people's product

Business & Finance: Simple Guidelines For Getting Your Blog Off The Ground

Simple Guidelines For Getting Your Blog Off The Ground

With blogging there comes a point when you just want to get straight to the point about how to go about setting one up correctly without all the hype. It's hard to find good help when everyone says to do it this or that way and you often wonder where to turn to and why. Well, simply put, there

Business & Finance: What To Tell A Newbie Blogger

What To Tell A Newbie Blogger

Everybody is doing it.Everyone wants to know the secret to making money from home.There is no secret, just hard work, persistence and giving the reader what they want.

Business & Finance: The A, B, C of Blogging For New Businesses

The A, B, C of Blogging For New Businesses

There is no doubting that the setting up and running of a brand new blog for any new business is exciting. From choosing the design and tweaking any aspects to make it perfect for your company to writing and uploading your very first post, creating a new blog can be a very enjoyable experience. Howe