It isn't hard to learn how to control premature ejaculation.
Most men are so humiliated when they finish in under a minute, that they're convinced they've been plagued with some rare disease, that no amount of medical-science can cure.
Luckily for you, there are many ways to last longer in bed: Masturbate before sex If you know of what nights you're going to be sexually active with your partner, make time for a couple "solo sessions" before the big show.
This will keep you less aroused and more likely to last longer.
Practice your daily Kegels These are the exercises where you flex and relax your PC muscle (the muscle you use to stop yourself from peeing) continuously.
Do this every day and you should see results in a few months.
If you find them getting too easy, progressively hold them for a few seconds longer before releasing.
Wear a desensitizing condom A condom will restrict some of the stimulation, while a numbing one will pretty much reduce any feeling at all.
The only problem with these is they may be too effective, and you'll end up going soft.
Slow and steady None of this is a race, so be sure not to skimp out on some heavy foreplay.
Kissing, fondling, sucking, etc will surely make up for any lack of performance.
Most women prefer oral sex over penetration anyway.
Pace yourself During sex, keep your breathing slow and deep (as opposed to breathing short and rapid).
This may seem insignificant, but it'll keep you less aroused.
Most men are so humiliated when they finish in under a minute, that they're convinced they've been plagued with some rare disease, that no amount of medical-science can cure.
Luckily for you, there are many ways to last longer in bed: Masturbate before sex If you know of what nights you're going to be sexually active with your partner, make time for a couple "solo sessions" before the big show.
This will keep you less aroused and more likely to last longer.
Practice your daily Kegels These are the exercises where you flex and relax your PC muscle (the muscle you use to stop yourself from peeing) continuously.
Do this every day and you should see results in a few months.
If you find them getting too easy, progressively hold them for a few seconds longer before releasing.
Wear a desensitizing condom A condom will restrict some of the stimulation, while a numbing one will pretty much reduce any feeling at all.
The only problem with these is they may be too effective, and you'll end up going soft.
Slow and steady None of this is a race, so be sure not to skimp out on some heavy foreplay.
Kissing, fondling, sucking, etc will surely make up for any lack of performance.
Most women prefer oral sex over penetration anyway.
Pace yourself During sex, keep your breathing slow and deep (as opposed to breathing short and rapid).
This may seem insignificant, but it'll keep you less aroused.