When you hear "SEO keyword research," people often think of a keyword phrase you want to rank for. That keyword phrase is probably 2-3 words long. But long-tail keywords, composed of more than 3 words, make up around 70% of all search queries. These searches are actually more likely to prompt an online conversion since the user has a more specific idea of what they're looking for. Plus, long tail keywords, because they are more unique, are less competitive to rank for.
While it's impossible to predict each exact long tail query for which users will search, it's still worth examining keyword data around longer search queries to your site. This data can help you to gain insight into what your audience cares about.
Data around the long-tail used by your audience is great to have for a content creation strategy. Compared to basic keyword phrase data, which just indicates a broad topic, long-tail keyword research answers more tailored questions. It digs deeper into specific interests, concerns and dialogue in that community. Here are 3 ideas for long tail keyword research:
1. Identify Queries with 4+ Words In Google Analytics
Did you know that you can filter Google Analytics data based on the number of keywords used in a search phrase to find your site? To find queries with four or more words, set up an Advanced Segment to:
Include the Keyword Matching the Regular Expression (RegExp) ^s*[^s]+(s+[^s]+){3,}s*$/
Go through and identify queries that could be answered or elaborated upon in more content. When sorting by bounce rate, from highest to lowest, is there a query close enough to show up in the search results and bring a user to your site, but not enough content to keep them there?
2. Play with Google's Predictive Search
A great way to do this is to lead in with a question: "Is [your company]... " Google Predictive Search is based on user search behavior. Try typing in variations of your key phrases to develop long term ideas around them. If you're McDonald's and doing content marketing, you might consider creating content letting customers know whether your oatmeal is gluten-free.
3. Examine Search Queries in Google Webmaster Tools
Open up your search queries in Webmaster Tools. The data is a little different here because you can see results based on impressions, regardless of whether or not the user ultimately clicked on your site. If you're showing up for a question-based 4+ word keyword phrase and aren't getting organic clicks, it means your content is close enough to show up, but might not be quite relevant enough. Try creating content that better answers that question to get clicks instead of just impressions.
While it's impossible to predict each exact long tail query for which users will search, it's still worth examining keyword data around longer search queries to your site. This data can help you to gain insight into what your audience cares about.
Data around the long-tail used by your audience is great to have for a content creation strategy. Compared to basic keyword phrase data, which just indicates a broad topic, long-tail keyword research answers more tailored questions. It digs deeper into specific interests, concerns and dialogue in that community. Here are 3 ideas for long tail keyword research:
1. Identify Queries with 4+ Words In Google Analytics
Did you know that you can filter Google Analytics data based on the number of keywords used in a search phrase to find your site? To find queries with four or more words, set up an Advanced Segment to:
Include the Keyword Matching the Regular Expression (RegExp) ^s*[^s]+(s+[^s]+){3,}s*$/
Go through and identify queries that could be answered or elaborated upon in more content. When sorting by bounce rate, from highest to lowest, is there a query close enough to show up in the search results and bring a user to your site, but not enough content to keep them there?
2. Play with Google's Predictive Search
A great way to do this is to lead in with a question: "Is [your company]... " Google Predictive Search is based on user search behavior. Try typing in variations of your key phrases to develop long term ideas around them. If you're McDonald's and doing content marketing, you might consider creating content letting customers know whether your oatmeal is gluten-free.
3. Examine Search Queries in Google Webmaster Tools
Open up your search queries in Webmaster Tools. The data is a little different here because you can see results based on impressions, regardless of whether or not the user ultimately clicked on your site. If you're showing up for a question-based 4+ word keyword phrase and aren't getting organic clicks, it means your content is close enough to show up, but might not be quite relevant enough. Try creating content that better answers that question to get clicks instead of just impressions.