Strange title huh? Let me explain.
If you have never been on a mission trip with a group from church then you definitely need to participate in one.
Now, having said that there are a few things you need to prepare for.
And money will be one of them.
You will need a Passport if you are leaving the country so get that done ASAP.
Learn about the Culture and environment where you will be traveling to.
Be prepared for the weather.
Stay healthy.
Have enough money.
If you are leaving the country then go get your passport ASAP.
This is something you cannot wait until the last minute.
This process takes weeks to get done and if something should go wrong with the passport then you will need these additional weeks to correct the issue.
Plus, if you think that you maybe driving in this country then you need to get the proper paperwork for that.
I do know that our driver's license here will not do.
Learn as much as you can about the culture and the environment.
KNOW what you are walking into.
Be prepared to eat food that looks strange.
Be prepared for people that look and act differently than Americans.
Hopefully, you will learn that it is not about us! Be respectful of the people you will be around.
For example, in Eastern Europe they frown upon boisterous Americans because it feeds the rumors that we are all obnoxious; this takes serious work for some.
The weather is easy at times.
If it is cold you will need a coat.
If it is hot then you will need to be able to stay cool.
Also, don't think they will have the same heating and cooling systems that we have.
Trust me on this one.
At one location I was at (in the winter) the heat was almost unbearable.
The fireplace was full of coal and it was burning away like...
you get the picture.
But the following summer, the same regional was hot.
Actually, too hot for me.
But I did not complain because these people did not have air conditioners.
In fact, our hotels did not have them either.
This can be a hard one to comply with but try to stay healthy.
Nothing is more difficult than traveling in a foreign country when you are sick.
I know because this happen to me.
A twelve hour plane trip and then a six hour car trip to top it off.
I was ready to die.
Have enough money.
Yes, have enough while you are on the trip But that is not why I stated this.
Raising money for a mission trip can be difficult.
Usually, for the first-timer it is pretty easy because people as a whole want the experience for that person to be a blessed trip.
However, for those of us that do this more than twice a year.
The support letters can get a little old.
It gets more and more difficult to raise money but somehow it does come in.
What I have started doing is sending email support letters.
Thank you for your time and please continue to pray for world missions.
If you have never been on a mission trip with a group from church then you definitely need to participate in one.
Now, having said that there are a few things you need to prepare for.
And money will be one of them.
You will need a Passport if you are leaving the country so get that done ASAP.
Learn about the Culture and environment where you will be traveling to.
Be prepared for the weather.
Stay healthy.
Have enough money.
If you are leaving the country then go get your passport ASAP.
This is something you cannot wait until the last minute.
This process takes weeks to get done and if something should go wrong with the passport then you will need these additional weeks to correct the issue.
Plus, if you think that you maybe driving in this country then you need to get the proper paperwork for that.
I do know that our driver's license here will not do.
Learn as much as you can about the culture and the environment.
KNOW what you are walking into.
Be prepared to eat food that looks strange.
Be prepared for people that look and act differently than Americans.
Hopefully, you will learn that it is not about us! Be respectful of the people you will be around.
For example, in Eastern Europe they frown upon boisterous Americans because it feeds the rumors that we are all obnoxious; this takes serious work for some.
The weather is easy at times.
If it is cold you will need a coat.
If it is hot then you will need to be able to stay cool.
Also, don't think they will have the same heating and cooling systems that we have.
Trust me on this one.
At one location I was at (in the winter) the heat was almost unbearable.
The fireplace was full of coal and it was burning away like...
you get the picture.
But the following summer, the same regional was hot.
Actually, too hot for me.
But I did not complain because these people did not have air conditioners.
In fact, our hotels did not have them either.
This can be a hard one to comply with but try to stay healthy.
Nothing is more difficult than traveling in a foreign country when you are sick.
I know because this happen to me.
A twelve hour plane trip and then a six hour car trip to top it off.
I was ready to die.
Have enough money.
Yes, have enough while you are on the trip But that is not why I stated this.
Raising money for a mission trip can be difficult.
Usually, for the first-timer it is pretty easy because people as a whole want the experience for that person to be a blessed trip.
However, for those of us that do this more than twice a year.
The support letters can get a little old.
It gets more and more difficult to raise money but somehow it does come in.
What I have started doing is sending email support letters.
Thank you for your time and please continue to pray for world missions.