Health & Medical Men's Health

How to Lose Man Boobs - Get Rid of Man Boobs in 7 Steps

Man Boobs AKA Gynecomastia is a serious problem for a growing number of men.
I'm going to outline 7 ways to combat this problem so that you can be living a more productive life today.
Step 1.
- Monitor your diet and start mixing in higher protein meals that will build chest muscles and keep your metabolism running at a hight level.
Step 2.
- Do low intensity Cardio for 30-45 minutes 5 days a week.
That means walking or a light jog.
We want to burn off fat and not muscle.
The more muscle that you have the faster your metabolism is running and the more fat you will burn.
Step 3.
- Eliminate starchy carbs and white bread from you diet.
When you are eating foods like these they are empty calories.
All the nutritional benefits have been stripped and you really don't even satisfy your hunger.
Step 4.
- Watch your beer intake.
In fact I would go ahead and say eliminate your beer drinking all together.
Drinking beer will only serve to increase estrogen levels that cause fatty tissue build up.
Step 5 - Eat plenty of Eggs.
Eggs on the other hand are rich in protein and will keep your testosterone levels running high.
You need to be conscious of your protein intake in that regard because it will give you really quick results and start eating away at fatty tissue.
Step 6 - Since you are going to be eating plenty of protein it is essential that you consume fiber as well.
Fiber keeps your digestive tract clean and functioning properly.
Fruits, Nuts, and veggies are all god sources of fiber.
Step 7 - Incorporate Push Ups into your workout routine.
Many people are only concerned with free weights and machines but good old fashion pushups are very versatile.
You can do triangles, wide arms, military, and regular to blast your pecs from all angles.
Whatever the case is Man Boobs can be an unsightly and disgusting problem for some men.
I should know I had them myself, but after following these simple techniques I was running around on the beach with NO problem.
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