Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Top questions about hiatal hernias, peptic ulcers and gallstones

Updated November 05, 2014.

You may have been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia, peptic ulcer disease, or gallbladder problems that have led to gallstones years ago or maybe only recently. There may come a time when you have a question about some aspect of you condition or conditions. The resources below contain answers to the most often asked questions about hiatal hernias, peptic ulcers and gallstones. While this information is not designed to give you a medical diagnosis or tell you how to make any medical decisions, it will give you the basic information you will need, and can help you with discussions you may have with your doctor.


Hiatal Hernias

A hiatal hernia occurs when the upper part of the stomach pushes through an opening in the diaphragm, and up into the chest. There are two categories of hiatal hernias, sliding or para-esophageal.
  • What is a Hiatal Hernia?
    A hernia occurs when an organ slips through the muscle wall that holds the organ in place. A hiatal hernia involves the stomach. Learn what happens when there is a hiatal hernia.
  • What Can Cause a Hiatal Hernia?
    There are a few risk factors for developing a hiatal hernia, which include abdominal injury and obesity.
  • What Are the Symptoms of a Hiatal Hernia?
    Not everyone with a hiatal hernia will experience symptoms. For those who do have symptoms, these can include heartburn, frequent belching and / or hiccups, and chest pain.
  • What is the Treatment for Hiatal Hernias?
    Some people don't have symptoms, and won't need treatment. For those who do have some symptoms associated with their hernia, your physician will decide what treatment is the best. Treatment can include lifestyle and dietary changes or medication.


Peptic Ulcers



When the gallbladder isn't functioning as it should, one of the causes of this could be gallstones. You are most likely to have problems with your gallbladder if something blocks the flow of bile through the bile ducts. The cause of this is usually a gallstone. The type of gallbladder disease that results from gallstones is called cholelithiasis.
  • What Are Gallstones?
    Learn about the two types of gallstones and how they form depends on which type they are.
  • What Causes Gallstones?
    There are several factors that can contribute to the development of gallstones, including gender and ethnicity. It is important to know all the known causes of gallstones.
  • What Are the Symptoms of Gallstones?
    Symptoms of gallstones are often called a gallstone "attack" because they occur suddenly. Learn what the symptoms of a typical attack are, and the symptoms that require immediate medical attention.
  • How Are Gallstones Diagnosed?
    Many gallstones are discovered by accident during tests for other problems. But when gallstones are suspected to be the cause of symptoms, the doctor is able one of several tests to determine if gallstones are present.
  • What is the Treatment for Gallstones?
    Surgical treatment may be the most common treatment for gallstones, but there are non-surgical treatment for gallstones too.
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