Citrus Fruits and Other Fruits
Anything citrus, such as oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits, are not only safe for your garbage disposal, but the rinds clean and freshen it as well. Other fruits such as apples, pears and peaches are all safe, too, but not the peach pits. Watch out for banana peels. They tend to get very stringy in the grinding process and can clog the disposal.
Meat is safe, but NO bones. Bones, especially big and sharp bones, can harm your disposal.
Vegetables are safe, but go slow with anything that gets stringy, such as celery or asparagus, or peelings from carrots and potatoes. They can clog your disposal, and if you don't run plenty of water to flush through the starchy sludge, you also run the risk of ending up with a clogged drain pipe.
Coffee Grounds
Coffee grounds are very safe. They are small and already soft.
Bread and Other Similar Products
Bread, toast, croutons, crackers and pasta are all safe, though it is important to rinse the disposal with a lot of water. Bread products can get very doughy and sticky when they get wet.
Egg Shells
Egg shells are safe because they break up into very fine pieces and go through the disposal easily. Run water generously to move the tiny shell pieces through faster.