When it comes to article submission, Internet marketers employ various strategies and techniques, which have all been tested through time to give them an optimal amount of traffic and exposure based on the specific features of their business or website.
Generally, there are two different ways in which a marketer can submit content to article directories.
One is to keep sending your content to as many site directories as possible to get the maximum amount of traffic and exposure you need for your website, and in the long run, be able to score high in web and search engine rankings.
The other strategy is to be pickier and just submit your content to a select few article directories in the hopes of putting more emphasis on the number of direct hits and link-banks you get from people who have actually read your article from the directories.
So which one is more viable? Let me clue you in on a little secret: the key is a good, potent mix of both strategies.
Be ready with a list of preferred article directories that you know give you a good amount of traffic and submit to them key articles that you have written, but at the same time, submit a regular amount of articles to all other directories on a regular basis.
By doing this, you are focusing on both the immediate and long-term needs of your website, which are readership, sales, exposure, and optimized page rankings.
The most important thing in a business is to be able to look at the big picture, without missing out on key details that could spell out the immediate future for your website.
This will most likely be different for each website, as each business is different - therefore, there is no unique formula for establishing the perfect balance.
You will have to find out for yourself by testing different combination's and selecting the one that works best for your business or website.
Generally, there are two different ways in which a marketer can submit content to article directories.
One is to keep sending your content to as many site directories as possible to get the maximum amount of traffic and exposure you need for your website, and in the long run, be able to score high in web and search engine rankings.
The other strategy is to be pickier and just submit your content to a select few article directories in the hopes of putting more emphasis on the number of direct hits and link-banks you get from people who have actually read your article from the directories.
So which one is more viable? Let me clue you in on a little secret: the key is a good, potent mix of both strategies.
Be ready with a list of preferred article directories that you know give you a good amount of traffic and submit to them key articles that you have written, but at the same time, submit a regular amount of articles to all other directories on a regular basis.
By doing this, you are focusing on both the immediate and long-term needs of your website, which are readership, sales, exposure, and optimized page rankings.
The most important thing in a business is to be able to look at the big picture, without missing out on key details that could spell out the immediate future for your website.
This will most likely be different for each website, as each business is different - therefore, there is no unique formula for establishing the perfect balance.
You will have to find out for yourself by testing different combination's and selecting the one that works best for your business or website.