Health & Medical Nutrition

Increase Your Metabolism and Decrease Your Pant Size! But How?

First of all you need to set your metabolic rate by being consistent with your eating habits.
Make sure you eat healthy and take in 12 calories per pound of body weight.
Stick with this calorie intake for two months and your metabolic set point will be adjusted.
Couple your new calorie intake with at least 3 to 5 hours of exercise a week and you'll increase your lean muscle tissue which speeds up your metabolism.
Remember, exercise doesn't always mean going to the gym.
Try doing cardio through activities like biking, tennis, yoga and so on.
It's always good to join a sporting league like kickball or soccer.
Something that you're interested in and can be dedicated to.
This way you'll feel obligated to go and not let down your team!Not to mention, you're having fun!The best thing about it that your body burns calories during your workout and up to 48 hours after you finish! Another great tip is to not starve yourself!Yo-yo diets don't work and they aren't healthy.
Make sure that you eat at least once every 4 hours.
Have 3 small meals with snacks in between.
One of the reasons the body stores fat is because it doesn't know when you're going to feed it again, especially if you're just eating large meals a couple times a day.
After your body adjusts to you eating every four hours, it learns that it doesn't need to store the fat because it knows that you will feed it again soon.
By doing this, the food passes through your body quicker as your body eliminates what it doesn't need faster.
Your metabolism will skyrocket by eating more!!! Perfect!
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