- 1). Buy a range of straight pipe tobaccos from a tobacconist. These are varieties which have not been blended, such as Latakia or Burley. Consider buying each strain in a range of cuts such as coarse and fine.
- 2). Taste each tobacco strain by smoking them as they are in order to become acquainted with their individual qualities. Record their strengths and weaknesses, such as whether they are deep and heavy, sweet or spicy, in a note pad.
- 3). Think about how you want the blend to taste and how best to combine the flavors and cuts to meet your aspirations.
- 4). Weigh out several piles of each tobacco in equal amounts. As the tobaccos are blended, you will record how much of each is used as parts; this will make it easier to blend in bulk once you have made a good mix.
- 5). Form the blend's base using a Burley or Virginia tobacco. Just a single strain of Burley may be enough for the base, while you may want to use a mix of Virginias. Mix the Virginias, looking to strike a balance between top and bottom notes while remembering that the lighter colored strains are tangy in flavor while the dark colored strains are deeper.
- 6). Add spice tobaccos now. While it is common to use just one type of spice tobacco, they can be mixed. Latakia, which is smoke flavored, and Oriental, which is sweeter, work together well and are often used together. A less common combination is Latakia and Perique, which is a tobacco with a peppery character.
- 7). Consider the different cuts of tobacco when blending. Finer cuts burn at higher temperatures, which can take away some of the taste, while thicker coarse cuts burn slower.
- 8). Mix the piles of straight tobacco together, tossing them over a smooth surface using your fingertips until they are evenly blended.
- 9). Taste the blend in your pipe. Make notes about its taste and, if desired, start the process again, making adjustments to the quantities of each straight tobacco used in the mix. Repeat the steps until you are happy with the results.
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Store the tobacco in an airtight jar.