Health & Medical Yoga

Learn The Most Powerful and Quickest Way to Meditate Deeper Than a Zen Monk - Part 1: Feeling Energy

This method is broken into three parts, when all three parts are put together I have had some students reach instant enlightenment.
I know that sounds far fetch but stay with me you will be so thankful you did.
This will be done in 3 different articles, and is design for you to put them all together at the end.
So let's get started, There are a lot of ways to meditate but most of them take a long time to see any results and require you to build your concentration and focus.
Now don't get me wrong these skills will even help here but you don't have to have them for this to work.
Today we are going to learn how to feel your energy and move it and we are going to do that through the sense of touch.
This is the basic formula and explanation of this part of the system.
We are going to move our awareness around in our body and since energy will follow your awareness; this will give us the ability to move energy.
If we collect that energy in one spot, keep it there and build it up it will turn into awareness.
And since building your awareness is the key to becoming enlighten, need I say the rest? So what do I mean by moving our awareness around? Let's do an exercise, so you can better understand, what I mean.
Take your index finger and stick it in the air, like your pointing at something on the ceiling.
Now take your other hand and pinch the tip of that index finger, right on the nail, your job is to go inside the index finger and feel what's inside the tip of that index finger.
Feel what it feels like for you to pinch the finger, you can rub it too, feel the bone, and feel the pressure.
Feel the tip of the finger, OK now stop pinching it but keep your awareness there keep feeling the tip of the finger.
You see now you have much more awareness in your finger than you would of without touching it and trying to just move your awareness there alone without touching.
We used the sense of touch to piggy back your awareness, now we are going to do this again piggy back the sense of touch to move our awareness around.
This by far is the most powerful and effective way to feel your energy and move it.
It doesn't have to take years or even months to feel your energy and move it; you can do it right now!!! Let's get right into the heart of the practice.
Sit down and relax, take you dominate hand, meaning the hand you write with and place it on the table in front of you, palm facing down.
Take your other hand and point your index finger like your pointing at something and place the tip of it on the middle knuckle of the index finger on the table.
OK know you should have one hand palm face down on the table, with the index finger of the other hand, touching the hand on the table's index finger's middle knuckle.
(I know that might sound complicated but go back and do it has you read it you will get it) Now we are going to take the index finger that you are pointing with and circle it around the knuckle it is touching.
Your job is to bring your awareness inside the knuckle you're touching, feel what it feels like to have that finger massaging it, feel the pressure, feel the heat, feel the bone.
Move it very slowly so you can get a good sense of how it feels.
This is the basic formula we are going to use, you're going to circle the knuckle 12 to 15 times and then you're going to pull the finger away.
Your job now is to still feel that sensation moving around.
This is not going to be done by being passive, meaning you can't just sit there and expect it to move on its own.
You have to move it, you're moving your awareness your intention, your attention.
We are just using the sense of touch to piggy back your awareness.
Now it's your turn, remember what it felt like and copy the sensation.
When you can't feel it anymore put your finger on it and circle it 3 more times, take it away and now you move it yourself again and when you can't feel it again, you're going to put your finger on it and move it three more times.
You're going to repeat this as many times as it takes for you to be able to move your awareness around and around for at least 6 to 10 seconds.
Some people get the first time, if so you do you don't have to repeat it, but don't worry if you can't feel it that good the first time keep repeating the 3 times until you do.
Please remember I have had 100% success with this technique and you will too.
I had a heavy drug user have success with this method, even though it took him 15 minutes to really get it down and that is saying a lot since drugs do the exact opposite and numb you by pushing your awareness, your consciousness away.
That was the basic formula and because of space I'm not going to repeat that part, I'm just going to say do the formula.
Now we are going to repeat that to different body parts in a sequential step by step movement.
You can do that to each knuckle if you have time or go right into the next step, which is to move your finger from the tip of the finger back to just behind the big knuckle.
You're going to move it back and forth, so repeat the formula.
You can do it to each finger if you like or move to the next step, which is to turn you hand over and do it to your palm.
You can use the side of your other hand or your finger tips to do this, and repeat the formula.
Now we are going to move from your palm to your elbow and back to your palm.
With this part you're going to cup your hand around your arm so you can feel inside to the middle of your arm like you're feeling your bones.
If you just do one side of your arm it is harder to do this and repeat the formula.
Now you get the basic picture we are going to speed things up.
The next step is from your hand to your shoulder and back to your hand.
After that is from your hand to your heart and back to your hand.
Next is from your hand to your lower dan tien, (which is 2 fingers below you navel and directly in the middle of your body from all sides) it is your center of gravity.
This time we are going to leave it there and go directly back to your hand and repeat.
This step should look like your are rubbing from your hand up your arm around your shoulder to your heart and down to your lower dan tein or just below your belly button, and then lift your hand off your belly button and put it straight back to your palm repeat.
After you do this do it to your other hand and to each leg.
Now for more advance techniques, once you got the hang of it you don't have to touch or rub any more, unless you run into a body part that is hard to feel or sense you awareness in.
Then just rub from the hand or foot to the lower dan tein a couple of times and that should do it.
If not then concentrate on the area that is numb, go from the edge of the numb area to the other edge and repeat the formula to this area.
We are moving from one hand or foot to the lower dan tein, so try both hands together, and then try both legs together and after that do all your arms and legs at the same time.
As you move into these more advance parts you will feel your awareness becomes a little thin like your stretching it out, that is because you are and just by doing that you are building it.
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