Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Courage - The Time of The Heart

If the child takes one small step of courage, the Father will carry you a thousand steps.
This always sounded like a very good deal to me.
Since I'm lazy, I don't want to walk a thousand steps on my own.
It's too slow, and a lot of hard work! It has always seemed easier and a lot more pleasant to take one itsy bitsy step of courage and let God do the rest.
The trick is however, the child must take the first step! It's not that God will carry me a thousand and then I'll take a step, oh no! I must first have the faith and courage to move first.
W hen I was a child, my eldest sister wanted a bike.
We'll say it cost 40 dollars.
She went to my dad and asked him to buy it for her.
He gave her a deal.
He said, "You save up the first twenty and I'll give you the next twenty dollars.
" She replied "You give me your half first.
" He said "Oh no, you have to come up with your half first.
" For some reason I never forgot that.
A good parent will always teach the child to earn for himself.
We must always be able to live our own lives.
Courage does not mean the absence of fear.
Courage only really shows up when fear is present.
Courage means, even though I am unable to see the outcome, have no idea what I'm doing etc I still have the courage to carry on.
I go right through my fear.
Courage comes from the French...
cour age.
Cour ...
The time of the heart.
If you have enough love in your heart, fear becomes like a paper tiger.
Courage knows no bounds.
The example of a mother always comes to mind.
A tiny, young mother is walking down a side road wheeling her baby in the carriage.
Coming towards is a threatening figure of a man.
As he nears, she can see he means her child harm.
Without hesitation she positions herself squarely between the baby and the one who would do harm.
Even if he is 6 ft tall,300 lbs and wielding an axe she , 5'3" and 105 lbs will defend her child to the death if necessary.
She has fear, no doubt! But because of the unlimited love in her heart, she also has unlimited courage.
If not for the love of her child she would run in terror! But love has given her power.
Yes, actual power.
Love is a power.
We know that intuitively.
Love is undeniable.
If someone has true love for you, that one has a sort of power over you.
You would do anything for them, right? It really isn't such a mystery.
We all want love.
It's a staple of life.
It's also somewhat of a scarce commodity.
Therefore, when I find that someone really has love for me, I want to keep that love safe.
Love is one of the greatest transformative powers available to us.
Courage enables one to fly beyond limitations.
It enables you to attain greatness.
To fulfill your true destiny.
In the absence of courage one wilts into oblivion unable to see passed shadows, fears and inadequacy.
Courage allows the soul to transform inadequacies into strengths, weaknesses into virtues and fears into powers.
I have always had courage.
Since recognizing God, this courage has gone through a purification process.
I really even wonder if it can justly be called courage at all! Does it really take courage to jump off a cliff into the waiting arms of God? Does that take courage? If I can't trust that God will catch me and lift me higher, who or what can I trust? I've never really felt that that took any courage and yet to some it appears to be courage to jump into the unknown.
But am I really jumping into the unknown? No! I'm jumping into God's arms.
If I'm doing God's task, serving the world, following God's directions, then the task or situation may be unknown but the outcome is always known.
God will always support me! See the big picture not the little scenes.
When I had the stroke the first thing I said to myself was "I know this is a test and since I don't want to repeat the test, let me pass with flying colors.
" I leapt off the cliff into God's arms.
There wasn't even any free fall at all, He whisked me up in a moment and flew me higher than I had prior thought possible.
I took one small step of courage.
What was the step? I've got to tell you, it was so small that it took me years of deep churning to determine what it was.
But after some consideration I have determined it was that I took the small step of ..
Remaining happy in the face of everything ..
It takes courage to keep your happiness when all around you is fluctuating.
I told you it was a small step.
God doesn't ask for much.
Just a little faith and a little effort on our part.
How did I remain happy, even though I couldn't walk, my speech was slurred, my career was effectively finished, and the steroids they gave me to combat the lupus made me gain sixty pounds in two months!? I had a very strong image of the big picture in my mind at all times.
I understood very clearly that my goal was not to walk, speak, be an actress or look pretty or be thin.
My goal is to become similar to God and serve humanity.
The other side scenes are there to help me achieve that goal! I now had the opportunity to develop tolerance, patience, humility, the power to pack up and to develop a deep abiding understanding of who it is I am and who it is I belong to.
I am not my body.
I am the living spark of divine energy sitting in the center of the forehead.
I am a child of God the supreme energy.
One of the great benefits of lying in a hospital bed in a body that won't function is I had visceral experiences of this in a very profound way.
Why stay in a body that doesn't work when you can just fly away to God! So be encouraged to take courage.
Look passed the tests and see the big picture.
See who is offering you sustenance, guidance and love.
It is God himself.
Jump into his arms and fly.
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