- When a Marine comes home from deployment, the last thing he may want is a big get-together with family and friends. Deployment means no privacy and little free time. Give him time to relax and get reacquainted with normal life again before you spring a big shindig on him. Schedule your party about a week to 10 days after his return to give him time to settle in at home. Explain to anyone who questions your timing that it's crucial for him to have some down time before he reconnects with anyone besides you and the kids.
- You know your Marine best. Would she prefer a small, intimate get-together with a group of close family and friends, or would she like a large event that includes neighbors, co-workers, family, friends and acquaintances? Take your cue from her personality. A quiet dinner at her favorite local restaurant is an option for the low-key soldier. For the outgoing gal, rent a local venue where you can turn the music up as loud as you please, go crazy with the decorations and invite everyone you know.
- When it comes to food for the Marine homecoming celebration, your first choice should be his favorites. There's no doubt he's tired of existing on MREs -- Meals, Ready-to-Eat -- and will welcome some home cooking. Rather than ordering pizza or hiring a caterer, ask everyone who attends the homecoming party to bring a homemade covered dish. Distribute a sign-up sheet with an attached list of his favorites. Ask his mom to make the meatballs he loves, ask his aunt to bring her special oatmeal raisin cookies and go out of your way to provide your special tuna noodle casserole -- the one he can't get enough of.
- While gifts are not a mandatory part of a homecoming party, it's often nice to provide your soldier with things she's missed while on deployment. Gifts need not be expensive to make her happy. A bottle of her favorite bubble bath, the latest novel by her favorite author that was released during her deployment, a box of the chocolates she she loves -- the ones you can't send to her because they'd melt in the desert heat -- or a photo album of pictures taken at events she missed while she was away, are all thoughtful possibilities to present to her at her homecoming party.
Types of Parties