Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Try Door Chin Up Bars

There are different types of door chin up bars that are available, but are any of them better than the others? I have two that I use; one is the type that fits between the door frame and fits onto a bracket and one of the newer ones that hangs on the frame above the door.
I have had the one that fits on brackets for many years, have used it a lot and have never had a problem with it.
The one that hangs on the upper door frame is a couple months old and it also gets used a lot and works just fine.
It can be moved around to any door inside my house and it goes outside on my shed door.
If you want to buy the style bar that hangs on the door frame read the info on it to make sure it will work with your doors, there should be no problem but check anyway.
If you have any obstacles around the door it may be a concern if they interfere with the bar.
You will see that they come in some different configurations.
Some have more hand holds than others, if you want one with a lot of places to grip onto you will find some choices.
If you get one of those bars that go between the door frame on brackets, there is no issue with any clearance.
But it will always be there just above your head when you walk through the door.
But it is always there for you to use.
They can hold a good bit of weight, we have had guys up 185 pounds on ours.
Which ever of the two types of bars you choose, make sure you really use them.
Sometimes we buy things with good intentions of using them but never do.
This purchase would be for the benefit of your strength.
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