- 1). Plug one end of the Ethernet cable attached to the lag switch into the Ethernet port of the router connected to the wired home network. Plug the other end of the Ethernet cable into the Ethernet port on the back of the video game console.
- 2). Turn on the video game console. Insert a game disc that has an online component. Allow the video game to load.
- 3). Select "Online campaign" or Online" from the video game's main menu. Wait for the video game console to connect to the online server hosting the video game's online version.
- 4). Sign in to the online server as necessary, using the registration information that was previously entered the first time you went to the online version of the video game on your video game console.
- 5). Select "Play Online" or similar from the online server's menu. Wait as you are logged into the online game.
- 6). Navigate through the play field of the online game until you see another player's online character. Flip the lag switch to cause the other player's character to "freeze"--although in reality your online character has now become invisible to the other player.
- 7). Walk up to and stand behind the other player's online character. Aim your weapon at the back of the head of the other player's character.
- 8). Flip the lag switch to "unfreeze" the other player's online character--although in reality it is your online character that has now become visible again.
- 9). Fire a burst at the back of the head of the other player's online character to "kill" him. Resume your hunt for other "enemies" to kill using the lag switch.